I was recently named Family Archivist - and since I'm also very interested in Web Pages and the Internet - I'm going to be putting what I find up on the 'Net for others to see. Since I've got any number of Chatham relatives (hi, cousins!) I figure I've got a built-in audience for this.Anyways, my Mom's Chatham line right now stretches from Delaware in 1816, through Quincy, Illinois, and out to Shasta County, California by the early 1850s (GGG Grandfather Augustus liked to move, I guess!) My grandfather was one of 8 children and most of the following generations are still in Northern California.
The Parker and Skold lines are from my Dad's side of the family. The Parkers haven't been investigated much - but they also go back east and early into the 19th century. The Skolds don't go back nearly so far - Grandpa Skold was born in Sweden - although his parents were there only for a year or two before making their final and permanent move to San Francisco, CA.
Other family names are Gould and Gibson, Meyer and Tanner on my Mom's side - and Gutormsen and Nilson, and Powers on Dad's side. The Tanners and Powerses are pre-Revolutionary War - while the rest came straight to California in the mid- to late-1800s.
Kristen Skold kskold@aol.com Last updated 23 November, 1998
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