Me, a horse owner? Yes, you. Not only is Puerto Rico
a tropical wonderland famous for its beaches and exotic sights, but it is also famous for its
horses, the Paso Fino.
The Paso Fino is known the world over for its graceful, dancelike gait. Many of the horses
at Alisa Disher stables are Paso Fino or Paso Fino mixes. Puerto Ricans frequently take to the streets
with their pasos in parrandas. The other horse breeds include Quarter Horse
and Thoroughbred.
Some of the thoroughbreds have come from El Comandante Race Track
in San Juan. Membership
Roosevelt Roads Riders is an organization dedicated to promoting
horsemanship, horse care, friendly competition in riding events
and just plain fun. Owning a horse is an exciting family-oriented
activity. Membership is open to all active duty personnel and their dependents, military
retirees, DoD, other civilian employees and Navy League.
You will be surprised at how reasonable it is to own and keep a horse at Alisa Disher Stables. The membership fee is $36.00 per year
per family and stall fees are only $15.00 per month per horse. One person per family contributes
4 hours of labor to the upkeep of the stables per month. In fact you do not need to own a horse to be a member. Some horses are available
through a lease program with their owners.
As members are transferred out of Roosevelt Roads many of the horses
become available for sale and as most members are interested in getting
caring owners for their horses, the fees are reasonable. Members can
bring on new horses as space permits. Currently, this number is set at
thirty horses. New horses must follow quarantine rules and all males must
be gelded prior to being put in with the herd.
To find out more about membership, please call 787-865-3345 and leave a message or send
an email.
Former members may wish to contact Jenn Bussler who has offered to initiate discussions, answer questions and act as a web host.