Farming, Florida Style!
Welcome to Farming, Florida Style!

Location, location! We live in a small town called Dunnellon, Florida.
Dunnellon is west of Ocala. We have 10 acres. On our farm
we have dogs, a cat, chickens, turkeys, ducks, goats, cows and sometimes pigs.
We raise pigs and now cows for meat to feed our family. NO MORE crate confined pork for us!

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A group for buying, selling, and trading lvestock and equipment by Florida Residents.

Hazel with her newly born twin girls less then 12 hours old.
Born January 20, 2006.

Babies at 1 week old.

Rocky telling the stick who's the boss.

Tom showing off for the girls.

Pippin and friends grazing for bugs.

White Crested Black Polish chickens, the hippie chickens.

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since Januray 25, 2006!
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