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Gaspe Genealogy Register

Welcome to the Gaspe Genealogy Register!

Do you / your ancestors hail from the Gaspe coast (Quebec, Canada)?

Are you 'into' genealogy? Want to get in touch / exchange info with others who share 'family ties'?

This site is designed to be the 'connecting' point!

Browse awhile and see if some 'cousins' have already registered, then be sure to register your own data!

Everyone welcome to Browse certainly, but please DO NOT register if you do not have the genealogy bug and a Gaspe 'connection'. This is a 'working' site, exclusively for genealogy enthusiasts with KNOWN roots on the Gaspe peninsula. Please be sure to 'Register' from the bottom of this page; there are guidelines which you will not see if registration is done while in 'View' mode.

Not sure your ancestors' home was in the Gaspe?
Check 'Maps' section below or drop me - Martha - a line!

Can't find any 'cousins' & need help getting started? Drop me a line!
Will do my best to point you in the right direction.

Looking to hire a Gaspe researcher?
Drop me a line! Will try to ensure you get the best 'match' for your needs.

Good Gaspe Rootin' everyone!

Come back often to Browse for new 'connections', see new 'links' .....


Browse Register


Check out these Links. All have a Gaspe genealogy connection.

More Links ... May Help! ... Interest!
