Despite our language differences, we communicated with the kids every day. I discovered that the language of laughter is truly universal. Dominique James.
By giving our time up for these kids we all gained more than we could have imagined. Cat Denee.
Each and every child has shown me how to be a better person. Each and every smile lit up our worlds every day we shared weth them. Kristie Moore
These kids are so amazing, each with their own wonderful gift to give to this world. I am a better person for knowing them. Thank you. Brihony Dawson
The beauty of a child has the power to permeate through any language barrier. The children of Casa Hogar, have helped me grow as a person and this experience will be in my heart forever. These children have shown me what true love really is. They are amazing adn inspiring and I will never forget them. I am a better person for knowing them. Thank you! Juliana Slocum.
Working with the children from the Casa Hogar EL NIÑO FELIZ, has been an amazing experience. The love and memories shared will stay with me forever. Willian Acweith
Casa Hogar is the wonderful experience. Thunks.
It has been a life changing experience with each of these beautiful children a gift from God. Marcia Lyne.
Never did I think I could be taught so much from children. These kids hold most of the love and happiness in the world. Samantha Gibson.