My Angel Page
Well, I finaly got motivated to redo this thing. Since all that was once on here got erased, please be patient as I try to rebuild it. What you will find on this page will be pics of angels, quotes, and inspirational stories. Below are some links to some of the stories. Thank you for visiting my page. Desiree
"Angels transend every religion,every philosophy, every creed. In fact, angels have no religion as we know is....their existance precedes every religious system that has ever existed on Earth."
- St. Thomas Aquinas
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Forget injuries, never forget kindness
Confucious (551 BC - 479 BC)
Happy is the heart that believes in angels.
-Kathryn Schein
Where there is love there is life
- Mahutma Ghandi
Heres are a few awards that I recieved before when my website had much more on it. Hopefully it will again soon. :)