Song Playing:
"If I Ever Lose My Faith"
By: Sting
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Around the corner, I have a friend.
In this great city that has no end.
The days go by and the weeks rushed on,
before I knew it a year had gone.
It was hard to recall my old friends face,
for life is a swift and terrible race.
I knew I liked her just as well,
I did not go around and ring her doorbell.
I thought our friendship was just fine,
she did not come around and ring on mine.
We were younger and busier then,
and now we are old and tired women.
I say,
"Tomorrow I will call on Amber" ,to show her I am thinking of her.
Tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
the distance between us grows and grows.
Coming from the telegram paper's ink ,
it read
When I saw her face I could not recall it as when ,
we were the young busy women.
I could not believe that I had said,
"Oh yes I will call tomorrow"
and then never did.She is my very best friend as I smiled to her,
without a thought she returned the gesture.
I shall never again say I'll call tomorrow,
for with it may come to much sorrow.
Amber is well and better than ever,
every Friday we call and talk about whatever.
It is what we get and deserve in the end,
do not say tomorrow for you may loose a friend.
( Author is unknown ~~modified by Lady_Roswell)
If you
love someone you should tell them .If you have a friend let them know you care.
Take this opportunity to
share this with and,seize this day as an opportunity to do so.
Try as hard as you can to
stay as close to your family and friends
as you possibly can as, it is those people
who have made you the special person
that you are. Above all
have no regrets .Pass this along to someone special to you and,
make a difference in their day as well as your own.
Do you know what the difference is between
expressing love, showing friendship and,
having regret is?
REGRET LASTS FOREVER .For When Four Sisters love each other with
such sincere affection, the one does not
experience sorrow, pain, or affliction of any
kind, but the others' heart wishes to relieve,
and vibrates in tenderness. Like a well
organized musical instrument.
(Elizabeth Shaw, Sister of Abigail Adams
and Mary Cranch with Sister added by
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