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Montana Adoptions Mommy & Jocelyn
Click on the picture above to see more pictures of my little Angel

Montana Adoptions

Hi. My name is Lory. I have adopted my daughter, Jocelyn. The adoption was finalized on December 28, 1998. She was born at 10:34 a.m on August 20, 1997. She came to us in a very unusual manner, but she is now a part of my family...she is my daughter. This page is to share my many experiences in a Montana Adoption that took 16 months and 8 days to accomplish. This will hopefully help you with any questions you might have or want to ask me about Montana Adoptions. This site has links for Adoptive Parents, Adoptees and Birth Parents alike. I don't have all the answers, but I am determined to learn more answers to help people with a situation that is tough to do at best. If I can answer your questions, I will answer them...If I cannot answer your question or can't find the answer, I will tell you. I don't like giving out incorrect information...that only causes heartache and frustration. This site is still under construction, so please be patient and e-mail me if you would like to add something to this information. Be sure to put MONTANA ADOPTIONS or MONTANA ADOPTION in the subject line so I don't miss it with all the spam I receive in this account. There are links to resources below. Please visit them to learn more.

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