The following poems are copywrited and any further use of
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I wrote the following poems
for very special people
in my life.
Each one was written with love!

Wedding Rings
Your lives have been headed the very same way.
God has joined you together on this special day.
There are things in my heart I feel I must say.
It is my gift to you both, in my own special way.
In the days to come many things will take place.
How you handle them, only you must face.
Just remember what you make of your lives together,
You must live with, not only today but forever.
You must learn in love to always trust,
no matter how
To not allow a jealous heart to take your wedding
To love you must show your feelings, very deep inside.
Never expect the one you love to push aside their
Learn to forgive and forget through all your times of
Filling your lives with sunshine,
whenever you're
caught in
the rain.
Remember the love that you feel on this day.
Never allow others to get in your way.
Keep God embedded, deep in your souls.
He will always show you the way to go.
Memories, bits and pieces can be the coldest way,
To end a love forever strong in just a single day.
Memories, bits and pieces can be the finest thing,
To keep a man and a woman proud
of their wedding rings.
Eileen Breedlove
Nothing To Say
God bless the child that had nothing to say.
His parents whose love went their seperate ways.
No doubt they both love him, it's surely true.
Who's life will be affected when all this is through?
God bless the grandparents that had nothing to say.
They don't deserve to be hurt in such a way.
With the love that they feel for their little doll,
They shouldnt have to deal with the pain they feel now.
God bless the parents that are to blind to see,
The heartache caused to others so needlessly.
To be caught in a dying love there is no shame.
There is if you fight causing others pain.
God bless the parents with a love thats grown old.
Protect them to see that their hearts don't grow cold.
To handle all things, please show them a way.
God bless the family that had nothing to say.
Eileen Breedlove
There is someone in this life
that means the world to
Months and years have passed us by
but her I haven't
The quality time we spent, gone by,
will forever stay
so near.
I learned of God and life and love
in only one short
She carries herself in such a way,
that all around can
Material things don't matter
but your feelings are so
As I grow, with time, one day I hope to be
The reflection of someone in this life
that means the
world to me.
Eileen Breedlove
This poem was written for my children
when their father
and I were separating.
For all of us, tempers were
and our feelings were tender.
Even if it is
the best thing to do,
it is always hard on everyone
My Dear Child
There's things you must accept my dear child.
I'm only a mother so be patient awhile.
Not only in myself are there changes each day
Our family is growing in different ways.
It's a task at times to keep us together
My love for you all, will be forever.
A temper is something we all have known
To lose it and want to be left alone.
Things we dont mean are sometimes said.
Lets always forgive before going to bed.
Problems in a family are trying at times
We have the worry of survival on our minds.
Being responsible for others, one day you will see
Isn't the easiest place to be.
I make decisions with the best of my judgement.
Many times you will feel a lot of resentment.
Being a mother is important to me.
Please see that under pressure, I'm the best I can be.
The joy of being loved and the love of giving
Is what makes this life and time worth living.
Hold tight to that thought as you face each day.
Let God be your light and show you the way.
Eileen Breedlove
A couple years ago when my son
started riding bulls I
was a basket case
and probably still am.
We have
both recieved our blessings from it.
He is the proud
owner of a Lane Frost Bible
and believes in Our Lord.
He consistently prays for guidence and protection.
have a son that believes, and talks to God.
What more
could a mother ask for?
Bull Rider's Mom
I have been watching a lot of things
that are growing in my son.
He is facing life with power
as he learns to stand as one.
I am watching as he grows
from childhood to a man.
Facing all uncertainly,
with a rope he ties his hand.
Using all his power and his strength
holding on as he strives to achieve.
Taking life with an attitude
thats a reflection of what he believes.
Blowing hard out of the chute
he cannot turn around.
Facing danger, without fear,
he makes every second count.
I watch him as he takes the good
along with the bad.
Knowing deep inside his soul
he gave it all he had.
Its guts and glory, pride and joy
I see growing in my son.
I count my blessings every day
I'm a bull riders Mom.
Eileen Breedlove
Happy Anniversary
Our vow to each other was years ago.
Young and foolish with a long road to go.
We crawled at first but learned to run.
Now our hearts are joined as one.
My gift to you on this special day
is a part of myself, in my own special way.
New vows in love I solomly make.
With love I hope your heart will take.
Lets be as a stream in the mountains high.
Flowing forever, to never run dry.
As trees on the earth that reach for the sun,
together our love, joined as one.
Lets be as the moon watching over the stars,
Protecting each other and all that is ours.
Lets be as the clouds soaring through the sky,
Without questioning our destiny or ahead what lies.
To you I have given a part of myself.
Returned, we will have an eternal wealth.
My love for you will always be.
You've helped to find the true person in me.
To be molded and shaped, I've given my life.
I submit to you without a fight.
Never forget the important things.
Years ahead our love will grow wings.
Eileen Breedlove
A Shining Star
There are things in my heart I feel today.
On this Thanksgiving I want to say.
You've overcome trials that this life brings.
You've come out flying with golden wings.
Through your eyes I see a reflection of me.
You are the best you can be for all to see.
A candle shining bright for those in need.
You are the first to see and do a good deed.
Not asking for anything back in return.
You build many bridges and none do you burn.
You've been there for me when no other was.
Not because you had to, but just because.
Walking through life holding God's hand,
You're trying to be all He knows that you can.
If there were anything about you that I could change
Every little thing would stay the same.
To be your mother is a blessing I feel.
There's a place in my heart only you can fill.
I am proud of you for who you are.
Through my eyes you are a shining star!
Eileen Breedlove
A Broken Wing
Looking at the days ahead
she can only wonder why.
An angel with a broken wing
is just to weak to fly.
The one that gave her life on earth
is her greatest fear.
Struggling she goes through time
fighting back her tears.
Looking into her father's eyes
she see's a cold, cold heart.
The only peace that can be found
is when they are apart.
Sorting through all those years
everything feels so wrong.
Days were tough but every night
seemed so very long.
Silently she breaks the cycle
thats heavy on her soul.
She reaches to the power above
and learns to just let go.
Facing all her inner fears
was the only way to love.
Her wings are stronger every day
held up by God above.
Eileen Breedlove
God Made Brothers
I know that God made brothers
with sisters on His mind
God knew what He was doing
the day that He made mine!
Eileen Breedlove
My Sister
My sister is so special.
She means the world to me.
There is a place in my heart,
She holds the only key!
Eileen Breedlove
My Family
There's nothing in my heart and soul
that means more to me
then the love thats shared between us
.... my precious family.
I know for sure, without a doubt,
deep inside my soul
The bonding that we share
is the part that makes me whole.
Every day I love you more
In ways I never thought.
The best part about being me
Is the family that it brought!
The Internet
There's a special kind of feeling
down deep inside my heart.
The way I feel about my friends
Will surely never part.
No matter what mood I'm in
its a place that I can go.
Without a doubt you're there for me
this I always know.
You've given me the strength inside
to believe in who I am.
There's nothing more heaven sent
than the blessing of a friend.
The merical of our friendship
is the fact we've never met.
I'm thankful for this little thing
they call the internet!
Eileen Breedlove
The following poem was written
for my special friend
My Mom
I do not understand Lord.
Please try to help me see.
Just what was the reason
You took my Mom from me?
My life is so empty now.
I feel so alone.
Without her in my life,
there's no place to call home.
I cannot stop these tears
I cry from lonliness.
Everything in my world
has turned into a mess.
Please try to help me see Lord.
I do not understand.
You took my Mom away.
How could this be your plan?
That night as I lay down
and tried so hard to sleep,
I felt the presence of my Mom
and heard her voice so sweet.
She said "Not one minute have I left.
I'm always here with you.
The time just came when God had something
He needed me to do.
I was chosen for a special job.
Guess what God made me?
The Guardian Angel of a child
that lost her life at three.
Just know I never left you.
I'm always by your side.
Covering you with angel wings,
I dry each tear you cry.
So when you wish upon a star
or watch a cloud drift by.
Know I'm only a rainbow away
and see you through God's eyes.
Someday we'll be where we can touch,
and hold and laugh again.
Until then you can feel my presence
Through the touch of our Master's Hand."
Eileen Breedlove
Written 1999
I wrote this poem for my Mother.
Happy Mothers Day!
The Gift of a Mother
Sometimes it takes
so many years
to appreciate a Mother
and all of her tears.
Many gifts of life
my Mom gave to me.
I learned as she faced
life's uncertainties.
The gift of acceptance
for who I am.
She always "let go" knowing
I'de be back again.
The gift of encouragement
when nothing went right.
"You can do it!" she'd say.
"Dont give up the fight."
The gift of survival
she made loud and clear.
Gaining strength and endurement
through each silent tear.
The gift of determination
when life falls apart.
Many times she stood tall
and made a new start.
The gift of patience
for all that I need.
Time would take care of it
if I planted a seed.
The faith of a mustard seed
she always did say
would move any mountain
out of my way.
The gift of life
My Mom gave to me.
Special through my eyes
She will forever be.
The gift of love
for myself and others.
No love can compare
To the love of a Mothers.
Eileen Breedlove
Guide Her Way
My child cut herself today.
Lord, I understand.
The kind of things inside her heart
As the blade is in her hand.
She's trying very hard.
Gaining strength each passing day.
Fighting off temptations
To harm herself this way.
Fighting back the tears she cries
Bad memories keep there hold.
Help her find the strength inside
To learn to just let go.
Thinking she deserves the pain
Is all she knows to feel.
Show her that you're there for her.
A sign that you are real.
She prayed to you when she was young
To make her life OK.
Not knowing that the path she walked
Would make her who she is today.
If she could just feel your presence
I know she would believe.
Just carry her for awhile Lord,
And let her suffering leave.
Please help her to have faith
And believe that you are there.
Then I know she'd talk to you
And feel the power of prayer.
Just a little sign Lord
That she can understand.
Let her feel the strength inside
From the touch of your gentle hand.
I turn it over it you Lord,
To help her find the way.
And feel you deep inside her heart
So you can guide her way.
Eileen Breedlove
I wrote the following poem for my grandson Taylor.
My Daddy
Mommy loves me and Daddy does to.
They went seperate ways and my heart split in two.
I hope they can tell I know things arent right.
Please God let them think before they fight.
One day my Daddy moved away.
I miss him when it's time to play.
Remember Mommy, he loves me to.
I want to be with him as much as with you.
Because you are mad dont keep him from me.
I want to grow up and know him you see.
Please keep me in mind when Daddy calls.
I need him to when I stumble and fall.
Its OK if you dont live together.
But I need you both to love me forever.
Keep my best interest deep in your heart.
Please dont keep me and Daddy apart.
When I kneel down to pray at night.
I want to tell Jesus that things are alright.
God gave me a Mommy and a Daddy to.
He didnt give either of you the right to choose.
Eileen Breedlove
I wrote the folowing poem for my Mother
When God Created Mothers
God knew what He was doing
When He created Mothers.
The qualities He gave them
Are possessed by not one other.
They have a way of speaking soft
That calms your greatest fears.
A voice embeded in your soul
That carries you for years.
She has a way of letting you know
That her love is always near.
The tenderness of her gentle hand
As she dries your every tear.
A Mother always stands by you
Even when you're wrong.
Then she tries to guide you right
When she has you all alone.
When in the company of others
Never making you feel small
With pride and joy she'll stand by you
And help you to stand tall.
She has a way of holding you up
When things in life go wrong.
She'll carry you till she can tell
That once again you're strong.
When she thinks you need the space
To venture out and grow,
She lets you feel you're on your own
But never did let go.
The part of us we leave behind
A Mother keeps alive.
No matter how much time goes by
You'll always be her child.
God knew what He was doing
When He created Mothers.
They have a way of loving you
That compares to not one other.
Eileen Breedlove
The following poem was written
for my big brother Paul "Frenchy" LaChance
My Best Big Brother
The first time I met him
He left a boquet of flowers.
In my guestbook he left a trail
I graciously hurried to follow.
At the end of that little trail
was waiting a blessing for me.
God gave me what I've always wanted
A big brother I call Frenchy.
He has a special way about him
That always makes me smile.
No matter how heavy my burdens seem
He takes them away for awhile.
If I could have one wish today
I know just what it would be.
For comfort, health and happiness
To my best big brother Frenchy!
Eileen Breedlove
Attempted Suicide
Child Abuse
Our Family Got A Divorce
Sexual Abuse
Domestic Violence
For My Family And Friends
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