Way before your child understands your
words of praise and
approval he is aware of the body language that you send to
him. Things such as smiles, hugs and kisses! Something as
simple as a parents gentle touch stays with them for the
rest of there life. I still remember the warm touch of my
mothers hand as she tucked my hair underneath my jacket
hood on a cold winter day. The way a
person feels about themself begins to develop very early in
childhood and plays a major part of how they feel
their entire life. It affects their capacity to face
challenges and cope with stress and disappointment. Your
encouragement and support helps them to feel proud of there
accomplishments. Unconditional love and acceptance of your
child gives them the feelings and strength inside to form
good relationships and face the world with a positive
attitude. If a child grows up to believe in himself than
he learns to trust himself. Self-worth is a powerful tool
that gives a person the ability to face all aspects of life
in a strong way. Children learn what they live and it is
our responsibility as parents to give them the best chance
at life that we can.
Eileen Breedlove
"No one can make you feel inferior
without your consent"
Eleanor Roosevelt

Dont Blame The Children
Dont blame the children when they are found
Drinking and gambling and running around.
If by their conduct they bring you shame
Is it the children or us parents to blame?
Where are your children, your pride and your joy?
Where is your girl and where is your boy?
If by their conduct they bring you shame,
Is it the children or us parents to blame?
We read in the papers and hear on the air
Of killing and stealing and crime everywhere.
We sigh and we say as we notice a trend,
Man,this younger generation, where will it end?
But can we be sure that its their fault alone,
That a part of it isnt our own?
Too much money to spend, too much idle time,
Too many movies of passion and crime,
Too many books not fit to be read,
Too much evil in what they hear said.
Too many children encouraged to roam
By too many parents that wont stay home.
Kids dont make the liquor, they dont run the bars,
They dont make the laws and they dont buy the cars.
They dont sell the drugs the first time that idle the brain
Its all done by us older folks, greedy for gain.
Delinquent teenagers, O how we condem
The sins of a nation and blame it on them.
By the rule of the blameless,
the Good Book makes known,
Who is among us to cast the first stone?
In how many cases we find that its true
This lable delinquent fits us older folks to.
For My Family And Friends
Attempted Suicide
Child Abuse
Our Family Got A Divorce
Sexual Abuse
Domestic Violence
The Healing Heart Mission
Healthy Times: Self-Esteem is Power
Helping Your
Child Develop Self-Esteem
Your Child's Self Esteem
Enhancing Self
Parenting For Self-Esteem
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