To receive the following awards are a blessing from
God above. I accept them with tears in my eyes and joy in
my heart on behalf of every living soul that is
for a little peace and tranquility in their
God answers prayers.
This is my first award.
From the bottom of my heart it
is an honor
to be recognized by Soldiers of the
Thank you, Chaplain Larry "Doc" Stanberry
(known to
some as "The Pistol Packin Preacher")
for the love and
support you so generously give to myself and others. You
are special.
You are a candle in the darkness for those
God Bless You as He has me!
Once again I have received
blessings from Our Lord and
They have been working through
Macalynn Gore in a powerful way.
Between her constant
encouragement to me
and her long talks with Jesus
my inspiration for writing has returned.
"Feelings" I write are a gift to me from God.
gives me the words to write.
He also gave me a heart
and soul to feel.
He has given me the opportunity
cross paths with many people
that I find inspiring and
have grown to love.
I humbly accept this award for my
"Feelings" page but
must give all credit to My Lord and
There is nothing on this earth
that means more to me
than love for one another.
What it means to me to
receive this award
from my blood sister, words cannot
Linda, with tears of love and
I accept your Heart of Gold. Our Lord will
you in many ways for the undivided attention,
encouragement and compassion you have so
given of yourself, to me.
You have helped me to
believe in myself
and know it is alright, just to be
You have been a light at the end
of a very
long and dark road.
I love you with all my
It is an honor to accept the next three awards from a very
special person in my life. We met only a short time ago
but it seems our friendship has been there forever. I
thank God that He crossed our paths in this life. Margaret
is the proud owner of the most tender heart anyone could
hope to have. She is special!

I started the new year in a fantastic way. I was given my
very first award from someone whom I had never met! I am
blessed once again from God above. In my heart I feel the
birth of a binding friendship that will hopefully be here
to stay! I proudly accept this award with joy in my
heart! Thanks to a really special lady...
What a surprise to find these two awards in my guestbook
today! Thanks Claudette, from the bottom of my heart. If
your website is a reflection of you than you are a very
tender loving lady with a big heart. I love your Harmony &
Hug page and encourage everyone to visit!
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