If in some small way I touch one heart in a
positive way my purpose for this website will be served.
Having children makes it our responsibility to nurture
relationships and give them a loving and secure environment
to grow up in. It isn't always easy being a parent but
raising children is something we do have a choice whether
to do or not to do. Children dont have a choice and can
only take the family life they are given. One thing is for
sure, without strong emotional ties between children and
their parents it isnt possible at a young age to develop
self worth and find peace in their tiny little hearts. No
bonding or strong attachment in a family is cruelty to
children. It leaves them in a world of loneliness. Always
on the outside looking in. It sets them up for a lifetime
of insecurity, no self esteem and emotional disorders. The
problems it creates are endless.
Children Learn What They Live
If children live with criticism,
They learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility
They learn to fight.
If children live with shame,
They learn to feel guilty.
If children live with tolerance
They learn to be patient.
If children live with encouragement
They learn confidence.
If children live with praise
They learn to appreciate.
If children live with fairness
They learn justice.
If children live with security
They learn to have faith.
If children live with approval
They learn to like themselves.
If children live with acceptance and
They learn how to find love in the world.
Dorothy Law Nolte

The seven angel's represent myself, five sisters and one
brother. Aren't we cute! (Not that we are all angels)
The majority of the pages on this site were written by me
and are simply my own personal opinion. If you find
something offensive or in poor taste please feel free to
email me with your objections, I'd be happy to discuss them
with you.
Please sign my guestbook below before leaving. I would
love to hear from you!
Attempted Suicide
Child Abuse
Our Family Got A Divorce
Sexual Abuse
Domestic Violence
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The next five pages are poetry I have written
over a
period of time. Hope you enjoy them
as much as I have
writing them.
For My Family And Friends
Feelings From My Heart
One More Time :)
Written For Our Vietnam Vets
Our Boy's
Following, are some things I like written by other people.
Most are author "unknown" and that is sad. If anyone knows
who wrote these great things please let me know so proper
credit can be given. They are true inspirations!
"The Wemmick Story"
The Origional Poem & Background
Behind Writing It:
I Got Flowers Today
"Who Is This Jesus?"
"The Master's Touch"
"A Voyaging Ship"
Quotations, Poems & Reflections
"Eternal Ink"
"Just For Today"
"The Carpenter" & "The Fence"
A Letter From Heaven
When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
Special Prayer For My Son...
My Lighthouse...My Son
Thank God for Grandma's, Grandad's & Mothers...
To My Grandma
To My Grandad
To My Mother
Can Someone Go To Heaven
If They Have Taken Their Own
What Do You Believe?
I asked the question
"How I Feel About Life And
I never dreamed when I started this page that I would meet
and grow to love so many people! I thank God every day for
the many blessings and friendships he has given to me...
From The Heart & Soul
I have been blessed with so many writings
for this page
I started page two!!
How I Feel About Life And Why
"I pray that God will be your navigator, and as you sail through the sea of life you will aways have following seas and fair winds. "
Site Awards
Awards Page 2
Awards Page 3
Special Gifts
Is is an honor Teresa to receive this!
Thanks from the
bottom of my heart!
Kindhearted Woman Award
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook
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