he  Noank Volunteer Fire Company is located in Noank, a small village in the town of Groton, in the Southeastern corner of Connecticut. We are situated at the mouth of the Mystic River 2 1/2 miles South of the Mystic Seaport.

ur town has breathtaking views of the Mystic River, Fishers Island Sound, and the surrounding waters. From our eastern shore you can see Fishers Island, NY to the South and Southeast, Watch Hill and Block Island, RI to the East, and several local Connecticut islands that make the East shore of the Mystic River.

or aerial views of our town and the surrounding area, please visit the web page "Aerials Only
" at http://www.aerialsonly.com/conn.htm and look for Noank

Noank Fire Company


PO Box 9493

Noank, Connecticut 06340

Company Profile  |  Directory  |  Pictures  |  Event Calendar  |  Opportunities
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Contents of these pages and images of our equipment and personnel are the property of The Noank Volunteer Fire Company #1, Inc. and may not be reproduced without permission.If you encounter any problems with this site. please contact Webmaster at NoankFireCo@Yahoo.com describing the problem.

The Noank Volunteer Fire Company encourages you to volunteer some of your time in an area that interests you. Please contact your local fire company, school, or town hall and ask what programs are available. EVERYone has SOMEthing to share.