Happy Winter
from the Bowen Family!
on 1/18/2005
A perfect shirt for Braden!
This is the first year Braden did not SCREAM!
Beth, Jack and Braden experiencing snow inside the mall (of all places). The promotions companies come up with....
Beth, Jack and Braden lounging on the couch
Fallen Firefighter Memorial
Jack and Beth made the Seattle Times (although they called him Braden on accident):
Elmo, Jack and Braden Camping this Summer
John, Jack and Braden cookin' up some biscuits for breakfast
Braden's First Fish!!! We were visiting Nana and Papa at their cabin.
Jack's second time fishing and look at his catch!!!
First day of 1st Grade for Jack!
I am now 6 1/2 years old!!-I am in First Grade now!
-I get to go to all day school, bring my lunch, and have 3 recesses!!! That's much better than 1/2 day kindergarten!
-My teacher plays tetherball with me if I eat vegetables the night before! I don't get to play that often.
-My favorite toys are my Beyblades. They are spinning tops that can battle other tops to see whose stops spinning first.
-I play on a Basketball team. Our first game is coming up. I keep telling my Mommy that I hope we make it to the championships!
-I almost passed the swim test at the pool this summer but that treading water part gets me every time. Who needs to swim in place if you can swim back and forth better?
-I tried water skiing this year at Priest Lake and I have decided that I am never skiing again. I forgot a seemingly critical part- letting go of the rope when I fell...
-I love to read and often get in trouble for turning on my reading light after bedtime! I get to go to the third grade classroom for reading at school. WE are reading "How To Eat Fried Worms". My favorite book is still "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".
-I have lost 4 of my front teeth already and 3 of my adult teeth have already started to grow in. I went to the dentist again and I have NO Cavities!!
-I LOVE Yu-gi-oh!!! For Christmas, Sean gave me a huge book FULL of Yu-Gi-Oh cards that he used to collect. He gave me some GREAT cards and for awhile all I could do was stare at them and say "oh my gosh!". For those of you who don't know what that is- my Mommy says to consider yourself lucky!
Jack had a Batman Birthday party when he turned 6 in March.
My web page from when I was only 1 year old!
I am now 4 years old.-I had a Spider Man birthday party with a Spider Man cake. The first cake broke in half so my Daddy had to make a second one.
-I go to Pre-School 3 days a week. It is run by the Pierce College Early Education Students. I tell everyone that I go to college.
-I love to go to Jack's class and talk to his teacher.
-I now eat meatballs, ravioli, and tortellini. My acceptable food items are finally increasing. I almost always ask before dinner: "Is that the _______ that I like?"
-I now start conversations with everyone with this: "I'm four now. My birthday is October 18th!"
-Our trampoline is gone but Mommy and Daddy took FOREVER to build a new swingset and fort. I really like it!!
-I still love to break apart my brother's lego creations but more so to spread all his Yu-Gi-Oh cards across the floor while he is at school. It always gets a great reaction when he comes home.
-I have had stitches two different times so far and had to go to the ER a third time to see an oral surgeon! Don't walk behind swings because if you do, the hospital will wrap you up like a burrito and really make you scream!!!
Braden at Jack's Batman birthday party. Mommy made everyone a cape- Just don't look at the capes up close!
Click HERE for some fun links for things we like.
To read about some of my ancestors go to my Mommy's Genealogy pages!
Sort of dry reading for the Non-Genealogist though!Send us email at beth@johnandbethbowen.net