Hi! My name is AndPickles.

My interests are:
Twins in Families.

The description of my page is:
My Family
Hurricane Georges-Stories of Friends and Family

Welcome to my Web Page,

I would like to give you a little background on myself and my family. I'll be brief so that you can get to the fun stuff! I was born one cold Thursday morning in January some 40 years ago. I was frighten about what this world was about, and to be alone in it. I brought my best friend, my sister, into this world with me. Yes! I'm a twin! We are maternal (identical) mirror twins. Since I am left handed and my twin is right handed, we are classified as mirror twins. Technically we were born at the same time. Actually I was born 19 minutes before her. We were not the first children in the family. We have an older sister, Mary Jane, and an older brother, Steve. My name does not rhyme with my sister's name. My name is Eva and her name is Olive. We were teased about this a lot hence my screen name is AndPickles.

We were not the first set of twins born in our family. My father's brother had a set of fraternal twins girls which means that they were not identical. My mother's brother also had a set of fraternal twin girls.

When I met the man of my dreams, he and I found out that we had more in common than most couples do. Yes! He is a twin! He is the second born of fraternal twins. He, like me, has a twin sister. They were born 1 minute apart. My husband and his twin have two older sisters. Fred's sisters names are Julie, Fredlyn, and Carla. Can you guess which one is his twin sister's name? If you guessed Fredlyn, you're wrong! Carla is his twin sister. Their names don't sound alike either!

It doesn't stop there. His first cousin has a set of fraternal twins. A boy and a girl!

Want to know what is't like to be a twin? FAQ to Twins

My web page is under construction. Please return periodically to watch me build it. I am open to suggestions and ideas. I will be adding FAQ to twins.

I am in the process of gathering information from friends and family about their experiences during Hurricane Georges. I live in the state of Louisiana which had a mass evacuation. At this time I would like to say,Thank You to the State Troopers in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama for your assistance during this evacuation. Your presence was comforting.

Hurricane Georges Stories From Family and Friends

Can you believe the year is 2001? Today is:
Today's Date - CalendarHome.com
and days left are:
Y2K Countdown from CalendarHome.com

Missing Children from Louisiana.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you've seen one of these children.

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Email me at AndPickles@aol.com in the meantime.
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