Toback's Place
Friendly & Encouraging Thoughts
Are Spoken
So, Who Are the Tobacks?
Alan and Maggie have a wonderful story to tell! They met online in the spring of 1999 thanks to the encouragement of a mutual friend who thought they would be "perfect" for each other. They both agree, and are so thankful they decided to "take a chance" and meet. After a period of getting to know each other online Alan made the trek down to Houston to "meet." Several other visits followed and after an "engagement" of about 5 months they married in June of 2001.
Alan retired several years before they met and is on permanent disability. After retiring, he discovered a passion and talent for writing. Many of his earlier poems were written for Maggie beginning with their courtship and continuing even to the present. Since beginning a course in Creative Writing in the local college, he has begun writing short stories, and of course has one or two novels already brewing in his head! He has been published in several journals and anthologies, and enjoys his memberships in some online literary groups. He has two grown children and two delightful grandsons, 3 and newborn, all living in his former hometown of Fort Collins, Colorado. He was born in Brooklyn and has lived in Arizona, California, and Colorado.
Maggie was born in Houston but her family moved to Central Texas in the early 50s. Her dad was a self-employed carpenter who built their home, as well as a duplex cottage for her 2 grandmothers to live, and 3 duplex cabins for the family-owned "fishing lodge." Her summers and after school hours were spent on Lake Whitney, where they swam, fished, sunbathed on the dock, did some boating, and jumped off cliffs. Her siblings enjoyed a fun-loving time growing up in the outdoors.
Maggie has been a secretary and bookkeeper for 30 years, and has worked in some interesting places, including a YMCA (where she was also Y-Indian Guide Director), a church business office, a convention bureau of a large hotel, and the corporate office of SYSCO. She enjoys reading and cross-stitch in her spare time, and has two grown (their definition, not Maggie's!) sons. Maggie's stories are reflections of the past. She has recently taken a 2 year hiatus from writing, but plans to take it up again as time permits.
Now that you've learned a little bit about Alan and Maggie, please take a tour of some of their poetry and stories and get to know more about them! Thanks for stopping in!

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