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I was born in Little Rock, AR. on 12/09/66. My birth mom was very young at that time so I assume that was one of the reasons I was put up for adoption. My adoptive parents were living in AR. doing church work, been married 10 years and had not had any children. For 7 weeks I was in a foster home after which I was placed with my adoptive parents who had the joy of raising a child they had chosen.
My loving parents
We lived in AR. till I was 2 years old but I remember very little about that time. We moved to MI. where I grew up and got married. I was raised by 2 people who are devoted Christians and for that I am very grateful. My dad is a pastor and being raised in a preachers home I learned many valuable lessons in life. As a child I went to a private Christian School where I was taught many valuable things. In 1987 I married my school days sweetheart. We grew up together and went to the same church and school. It was soon after my wife and I had kids that I had a deep desire to find my birth family. My parents said they would help me start the search so my mom contacted the agency in AR. and we got some non-id info on my birth mom and family. That seemed to calm my desire to find my birth family until a year ago. I felt I really needed to find them so I signed up with several different groups on the internet. I got a few replies back now and then..... to be continued You may wonder why this song. This song reminds me of the freedom we have in this great nation we live in and the freedom I was given 32 years ago to have a chance at life. I look forward to the day when I can tell my birth mom, Thanks!
On May 13th I got a call from my Investigator and she told me she believes she has found my birth mom.
We went over the info she had gathered and decided that it had to be the right person. I decided to have
my Investigator make the first call since I had never made a call like that before and was very nervous. It
took a few days to make contact with my birth mom, and I will never forget that night. On May 17th I had
gone to bed early as I was feeling very anxious about the contact and thought if I could just get some sleep
I would feel better. The phone rang 1 hr later and it was my Investigator saying she had just got off the
phone with my birth mom and my mom wants me to call her, so with a pounding heart I made the call.
My birth mom's husband answered the phone. After we talked for some time he said Ann was ready to talk
to me and I will never forget hearing her speak for the first time in 32 years (she has such a sweet, quiet
voice). I can't remember what all I told her but one of the important things I said was that I am very
thankful that she gave me a chance at life and that I am very grateful for the family I was raised in. We
talked for almost 2 hr's that night. It was also a great joy to find out that they are Christians. I remember
going to bed after 2 am and getting up before 5 am but don't recall sleeping much that night.
My twin brothers and sister
Robert, Donald & Michelle
With 32 roses I gave her for the 32 years we were apart
The big day finally arrived on Memorial day weekend! We met in Paducah, KY which was about 1/2 way
for both of us. We got there late Fri. night and decided to meet Sat morning. I woke up around 2 am and
thought it was time to get up but looked at the clock and decided to try to sleep some more. I got up a few
hours later and got ready and as it was still a couple of hours away from the meeting time, I walked
around outside for awhile. I told my wife I was more nervous now than I was at our wedding. Finally, it
was time for them to come to our hotel. There was a knock on the door and one of the twins opened it
and there stood my birth mom and her husband. My, my, what a moment that was for me. Words cannot
describe how I felt. We said good morning to each other and then I got that hug I'd been waiting for 32
years to get. We chatted for a bit and then looked at some pictures she had brought along and I had made
a copy of my baby book and I gave it to her. After that we went and had breakfast and then went back to
the hotel and looked at the pictures we had brought. What a grand time it was! We then went to a family
fun park where the kids spent the day riding the different rides. Norma and my moms husband Charles
took care of the kids so we could talk and for that I honor them. My mom and I sat on a park bench
in the shade and talked for quite a while. Later that afternoon we went back to the hotel and the kids
swam in the pool and had a lot of fun with their new grandpa! That evening we went out for Mexican
food and then back to the hotel to talk. We talked till after 11 pm and then called it a day. The next
morning we went to a park that had creeks, gazebos, and playgrounds and a very nice place it was. The
kids played some more and we took lots of pictures, then it was time to say good-bye. A few more hugs
and we left for our homes. As I look back and reminisce on the whole weekend, I am so thankful that
God was in control of it and I give him Praise for it!
My mom and brothers
My mom and sister
Over the weekend of July 4th we went to Texas to visit my brothers
and sister and of course to meet my mom again. We arrived in TX
Thursday afternoon and after we checked into our hotel we got ready
and went over to my brothers house. Robert was just getting home
from washing his truck as we pulled into their driveway and my other
brother, Donald and his wife, were pulling up so we met there in the
driveway and all got a bunch of hugs. It was very hot outside so we
went inside and started visiting and getting to know each other. Later
that evening we decided to go out for dinner so we went to a Mexican
restaurant. After we had all ordered our food mom called me on the
mobile phone and wondered where we all were (she had to work that
day and wasn’t able to come up to the part of TX we were all at
earlier). So mom and grandma showed up and we had a very nice
time visiting. Fri morning we all slept in a bit and I also met my birth
dad. That afternoon we visited with grandma and looked at old
pictures. Fri. evening we went to a steak house to eat and was it ever
good, in fact it must be the best steak I have ever eaten at a
restaurant. On Sat. we went to my brother Roberts house and had a
cookout and I am here to tell you he can make a very good
hamburger! The kids went swimming and rode a go-cart all afternoon
while we adults visited, played a game and had a very enjoyable
afternoon laughing and getting to know each other better. That night
we watched the July 4th fireworks from Roberts back yard and after
that it was time to get the tired kids off to bed. On Sunday we got
together and took a bunch of pictures and then we said good-bye to
my brothers as we were going further south in TX to be at my mom’s
place. We arrived there that afternoon and visited and seen where she
and Charles live. On Monday I went to work with mom and she
introduced me to her co-workers. That afternoon we decided to go
visit a zoo which was on the way to where my sister Michelle lives. We
met her and her family there and later went and got some ice cream
which was very good and refreshing since it was so hot and humid.
That evening we were back at the hotel where the kids and grandpa
did some swimming and mom and me had some time to visit. We said
our good-byes that night and the next morning we headed back to
I know the above lacks adequate words to describe the incredible time
we had meeting the rest of my family. I look forward to the day when
they can come to MI and see where we live. God has been so good to
me over the last few months and I hope this story will Bless others as
they read it, for God is truly good.
04/08/2000 I have my adoption testimony on audio tape you can listen to it via Real Player send me an e-mail and I will give you the link to it.