Welcome to my homepage !
This page is a constant work in progress since I am always playing with the design of this page. There are so many new ideas I have whenever I surf the web and see other people's great sites. In general, I like to 
baby photos
Get some here!
Green Mountain 
State Vermont
keep a colourful mix
of photos of my cats and family, info and links on my general interest and hobbies, links on Cologne in Germany and much else. I hope there's something here for you, too!
Click here to got o the German Version of my Webpage!
German Language Sites and 
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your visit and let me know what you think. Also, if there is anthing on here, that has a copyright I obviously don't know about, send me a note!
And please don't leave without a note in my guestbook! I would really like to know what you think of my page!
Please sign my guestbook!!!!!!!!

Seasonal Pages


contents copyright '00 © Sabine Chabot 
Milton/Vermont • Köln/Deutschland
last updated August 4, 2000