Hello, and welcome to my webpage.  This is a first time effort, but hopefully it will be pleasing. 
I plan to use this page to tell a little about myself, and to show off my
husband, friends, and my Mom and Dad
My family and friends (for the most part) are in Ohio, which is where I was born and raised.  I  moved to Arkansas about a year ago to be near my now-husband, Daniel.  He and I were married this past December.  It was a lovely
wedding.   We are greatly enjoying our lives together here in Arkansas. 
Here's a little about me.  I am a Christian, born-again by the Grace of God as of February 28th, 1998.   In Ohio I attended a baptist church, New Life Community Baptist Church, but since moving to Arkansas I have begun to attend Daniel's methodist church with him. I now consider this my church, especially since it's where Daniel and I were married.
I enjoy all editions of "Star Trek,"  I collect
Quotes, and my main hobby at the moment is scrapbooking (in fact I like to think this of this webpage as just one big electronic scrapbook).   I also really enjoy camping, hiking, kite flying, and watching my Daniel play in his church softball games.
Right now I am working as a secretary at the country club here in town, and attending Arkansas Tech University where I will be finishing the Psychology major that I started at Ohio University. 

I finally set up a page for our
wedding pictures.
people have visited this page since September 12, 1999.