Board of Evangelism

Our goals as the Evangelism Board are to welcome all visitors at church and then send a welcome note with the time of services and activities at church. We also visit them at home, or phone. We inform them of instruction classes if they desire to become members.

We make sure all shut-ins are called on once a month and give them the booklet "Strengths For The Day".

Board of Education

The responsibilities of the Board of Education are to:
- Set policies for the school and its' programs
-gather information for the Call process when looking for new school staff
-supervise the business and operation of the Christian Day School
-assure all legal obligations of the school are met.

The meetings are usually held the first Thursday of each month.

Board of Elders

The basic duties of the Elders are:
-supervision of everything pertaining to congregational worship
-physical, emotional, and spiritual welfare of the pastor, his family, as well as the congregation
-strengthening of fellowship between congregation members, spiritually and socially

Board of Stewardship

The basic objectives of the Board of Stewardship are:
-initiate programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes as regards time, talent, and treasure
-supervise the reception of contributions and congregational income, the keeping of accurate records, and the submission of periodic statements of all contributions.

Board of Trustees

The responsibilities of the Board of Trustees are:
-proper care, maintenance, and repair of all church property.

Board of Parish Education

The objectives of the Board of Parish Education are:
-Supervise all congregational educational activities other than the Day School
-Ensure proper training programs and materials are in place where necessary
-Promote Christian growth programs and activities for all of the congregation's organizations
-Select and train all the leadership personnel for educational programs and actvities other than the Day School.

Planning Council

The basic objectives of the Planning Council are:
-Presentation of annual plans for congregational activity
-Presentation of long-range plans for growth and development, the financial work-programs, and future goals
-Serve as an agency for the evaluation of programs, trends, and overall direction within the congregation.>p>