A Closer Look at John 3:16
by Elder John Kohler
(Pastor of Morris Fork Baptist Church, Rupert, WV)
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Does John 3:16 teach that God loves every individual human being who has ever lived, and ever will live on the face of the earth? This is the view that is held and heralded by the overwhelming majority of professing Christians living on earth today. In order for this interpretation to be correct, however, it cannot contradict any other verse in the Bible, and must be consistent with the overall teaching of God's Word. This is because of the hermeneutical principle known as analogia Scriptura, which states that Scripture never contradicts Scripture, but is always consistent in its teaching. Does the popular, contemporary conception about John 3:16 fit with the analogy of Scripture? To arrive at an accurate answer to this question, it might be helpful to first respond to the following series of Bible-related questions:
- Did God love Cain, Nimrod, and every individual human being He destroyed in the Noahic Flood? (Gen. 6-8)
- Did God love every individual human being He destroyed when He rained down fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah? (Gen. 19:24,25) Did He love Lot's wife? (Gen. 19:26)
- Did God love the Pharaoh of Egypt? (Rom. 9:15-18)
- Did He love all of the firstborn sons in Egypt whom He smote? (Ex. 12:29,30) Did He love the Pharaoh's army that He drowned in the Red Sea? (Ex. 14:23-31)
- Did God love the Amalekites? (Ex. 17:13,14; Deut. 25:17-19)
- Did God love the Canaanite peoples whom He ordered to be exterminated by Israel? (Deut. 7:1,2; 20:10-18)
- Did God love the Ammonites and Moabites? (Deut. 23,2,3)
- Did God love those individuals who did unrighteously in Old Testament times? (Deut. 25:13-16)
- Does God love workers of iniquity? (Ps. 5:5)
- Does God love the wicked? (Ps. 7:11)
- Does God love those who do evil? (Ps. 34:16)
- Did God love Esau? (Mal. 1:1-3; Rom. 9:10-13)
- Does not God love only those individuals who come to love Him? (Prov. 8:17)
- Does not God love only those individuals who come to love Christ and keep His words? (Jn. 14:21,23)
- Does not God love only those individuals who come to believe in Christ? (Jn. 3:36)
- Does not God love only those individuals who are in Christ Jesus? (Rom. 8:39)
- Does not God love only those individuals whom He chastens and those sons whom He scourges? (Heb. 12:6)
(The above article was used by permission. To read other articles by Elder John Kohler, visit the following website: Morris Fork Baptist Church)
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Since 2-27-99