Hi I am John Fritz, with the nickname of "The Red".
I am 5th. generation Indiana "Hoosier" farmer with the present farm being in the family since January, 1854. Great great Grandpa Jonas H. Johnson was the first family member to farm here followed by Great Grandpa Ed Johnson, and then Grandpa Albert (Dutch) Johnson. My mom, Lucile Johnson Fritz grew up on the farm but did not farm the land.
The farm is located in the southwest corner of Randolph County, Indiana near the town of Losantville. The main farmhouse was built in 1864 with several additions added during the years. The barn was built in 1918 and the shed and garage were built in 1924. I will have a few pages with photos of the farm, our place in Indianapolis, Indiana, and of the family.
I currently work as a number analyst for municipal bonds for a local brokerage firm in Indianapolis, Indiana. I have a wife Linda and daughter Corey. I formerly flew in the Air Force terrorizing the skies of western Oklahoma in a T-38A.
My interests are:
The photo above was taken by a satellite in the early morning of April 6, 1998. My farm is basically in the center of the picture. The photo is from terraserver.com.
antique tractors, farming, woodworking
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