Updated September 30,1999.
Relax guys, I'm back. I have been lazy lately and haven't done much on my webpages but guess what? I'm back but just for a while because it is tooHOT to do anything but maintenance and if you done your yard work this spring before the heat and rains set in there isn't much of that to do. Now all you have to do is keep cool.
Here it is the first day of August and it is still too HOT to do anything very physical in the yard. Just mow and try to keep the biggest weeds down which shouldn't be too difficult if you did your job in the early spring before it got hot. It rains almost every day now so watering shouldn't present a problem. Just relax for a little while longer. Maybe do some studying up on native plants. Native plants make life much easier in the long run because they pretty much take care of themselves but can be pretty. I have Lantana growing wild in my yard and it flowers almost all year long. I planted Pentas too and they are growing well plus the butterflies like them. My granddaughter made a butterfly house and when we put it up in the middle of the flower bed instead of it's present location, I'm sure the butterflies will find it and make it a home. We will keep you posted on that. Well, enough rattling on for now. I am off to surf the "net" for more Florida gardening sites. Have a great month and watch the links as I will add to them from time to time.
Well, September has come and gone and it is still too hot for me to work much in the yard. I got the roses pruned and fed and weeded the flower beds but still need to mulch them. Hopefully October will bring some cooler weather. Hope you have enjoyed the links I added. I know I have been looking for the rose called "Belinda's Dream" to add to my rose garden. It is supposed to be a great Florida rose. I will keep you posted. More later.
Try these gardening links
Florida Plants Online Tallahassee Nursery BetterLawns.Com Nelsons' Florida Roses
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