Welcome To Mary's Little Corner of the World!

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The purpose of this page is to help me learn HTML 4 so I can create my own webpages on genealogical research, Florida gardening and some of my favorite crafts. Which, in turn, will help people with similar interests learn to do these things as well. I want it to look pleasing to the eye and easy to use.

I have made a special webpage for my folks celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on September 3, 1999. Please check it out and don't forget to sign the guest book Unfortunately, my mom passed away on March 8, 2001 and dad is not doing well without her.

Just click on the rainbow below to visit my friendship page for my oldest and dearest friend Clem.

Please help my friends, Clem and Julie

Please help

Please visit "What Happened To Grace & Little Gracie?"
YOU might be the person who solves this mystery!

Check out my newest adventure in Genealogy. Click on the green outline of Michigan to go to my pages for the Bower Families who need to do research in Michigan which will updated weekly.

Now for the really fun stuff. I have undertaken to do a web page for each of the major holidays. Now slide your mouse down to the Everything Shelf and check out my holiday pages.

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Mary Drye.

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