Cool Christmas Webring
The Cool Christmas Webring was created to link together websites that are all about Christmas & the holiday season. It's intended to be the funnest & most flexible Christmas webring around, designed to share the joy of the holiday season!
Rules for joining the Cool Christmas Webring:
*The site must be DEDICATED/ABOUT the Christmas holiday or Christmas season
*The webring code, MAY NOT BE placed on a webrings page
*Business/Profitable sites WILL NOT BE ACCPETED into the ring
*The site should be unique and interesting
*All grahpics & links should be in working order
*The webring must appear on the page whose URL is submitted to the ring
*The webring & html code MAY NOT BE changed, or altered
*The graphic must be saved to YOUR OWN server
*The site should be KID SAFE! No adult material (Pornography, swearing, graphics, links, suggestions or acts of violence or illegal activities, etc.)
*Any site found in violation of ANY any the rules (listed above), at any time, will be removed from the Queue OR Webring... no questions asked.
Below are the webrings graphics. Just choose the one you like best, and download it...
(right-click on it, and then choose, "save image as.")
*Remember to change the name in the html fragment*
![]() | site owned by The Goldenboy. [Previous] [Next] [Random] |
Webring Utilities Edit your site's information View the Webring Statistics Important Information
After submitting your site it does not automatically go into the ring. All sites go into the queue, where they AWAIT APPROVAL by the Mebring Manager. Once the webring manager sees that you have met ALL criteria, then he will move your site from the queue into the ring
*Site's that are in the queue for more than 14 days, from the date in which they applied, will be automatically deleted from the queue.
The Webring Manager has FULL AUTHORITY over the dealings of this webring, and is responsible for deciding which sites are and aren't added to the ring. Sites not in compliance with the rules, can be deleted from queue/ring at any time. The webring manager also retains the right to reject a site solely at his discretion.
The Goldenboy
Cool Christmas Webring Manager