Our Family Tree

K.B. and Janet Hallmark


I started researching almost 15 years ago to qualify a favorite aunt for membership in the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The ancestor who qualified her for membership was William Jefferson ASHER. Like a good journalist or researcher, I found out the Who, What, Where and When.

But I was to learn that it is the Why that intrigues me.
Why did Willie Jeff leave Tennessee to fight in a Revolution in Texas?
After serving willingly in the Revolution and the Mexican War,
Why did he suddenly skedaddle from the Army?

Why did he and his daughter move to a German-speaking town?
Why did he marry a young immigrant?

It is the Whys in the family tree that fascinate me.
Why brings the ancestor's story to life.

Come sit under our family tree
And guess about Why with me.


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Please help me add family members to these pages. Many more children need to be added to family groups when I receive information on them. Also, I am respecting the privacy of living members of the family unless they notify me that they would like to be included.

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Netword: Janet Hallmark

Images by Absolute Web Graphics Archive and LoneStar Genealogy. If I have forgotten to credit any clipartist for his/her work, I apologize and will gladly make corrections as soon as notified.