Our trip to Yellowstone (first for all of us) on July 22/23
Look to the bottom of the page for snapshots from this month - some cute ones in there!

This is the first hot pool we saw up close and personal in Norris Valley Yellowstone.

Norris Valley - view from Steamboat geyser area!

Elizabeth in front of Steamboat Geyser

view from the opposite side of Norris Valley - VERY desolate!

the moss that grows in the run off from all the hot pots and geysers in Norris Valley - this doesn't do them justice either!

The lower falls on the way to Mammoth. You could actually hike all the way to the bottom of the falls, but we opted not to do this with the kids - even though we had the bike trailer/stoller - it looked VERY steep and NOT like something we could do easily!

Elizabeth’s first attempt at photography - not too bad. Picture of me hamming it up in front of the one and only petrified tree there - from what I read it's a redwood type of tree about 50,000 years old if I remember right

Yep, that is a herd of Buffalo out there - kicking up the dust and having a good time - until now we had only seen one or two lone bulls, nothing more.

Elizabeth's view of the tiers at Mammoth Yellowstone (Near North entrance) Now I see why she wasn't too thrilled with a lot of the stuff there :o)

MY view of the tiers - very dry year and not too much water in them... I guess if you come early spring it's MUCH better, but still worth seeing.

Second day of exploration! Here are Butch and the girls on the edge of the "grand canyon" of Yellowstone.

This is the "West Thumb" area - right on Yellowstone Lake - VERY pretty area and one we enjoyed very much.

The girls while we were waiting for Old Faithful to go off. Note that Elizabeth now has one of the disposable cameras from the diaper bag!

Elizabeth's picture of Bunny - they fought over this d*n bunny the entire trip.. now he's back home and on the floor again :o) But he will go down in history as having been to Yellowstone with us!

Another shot taken by Elizabeth... now to get her to CENTER her subjects!

FINALLY! Ok, so we only had to wait about 15/20 minutes - it was an enjoyable wait and a good break for the girls - the last day we joked it was a "Chevy Chase vacation... " It was "Ok, seen it" (nod head) and leave!
There is another roll that is almost finished with the "Fire River Drive/Canyon" on it that should be very nice as well... so, stay tuned. We should finish that roll off with Angela's B-day.

Ok, it's NOT big, but it's cool!

Short story... I saw her standing on her head.. grabbed the camera, got down on the floor so she came over to see what I was doing... trying to get the camera, you name it. I told her "no way, you want the camera, go back and stand on your head so I can take your picture" so she DID Shocking, but the logic circuits are kicking in!!

Just before we left for the Clinton days "rodeo" where Zack (neighbor) was doing the "mutton" busting (bronc riding on sheep)!

This is at the Clinton Days Carnival - we had a great time!!

Take a BIG bite of that watermelon!

YUMMY Watermelon!

hello Cally?! What are you doing right side up? I thought you were supposed to be upside down like me!

I just LOVE this view! Come on down here with me and join the fun!