Well, it's official, There is a new addition coming in August 1999.
So far, there is nothing to tell. I was sick with nausea and heartburn (urp) for a few weeks, but that seems to have passed for now (whew!). I'm still not quite up to par - am feeling this one so much more than I did with Elizabeth. Who knows, maybe this just means it's a boy?!
22nd December:
First OB appointment and am scheduled for my first ultrasound on the 5th of January - look for more updates then!
4 January:
it's not the 5th and thanks to some spotting, my Doctor wanted me to get checked out via the ultrasound a day early - everything looks good. "Baby A" had a good strong heart rate of 160. The tech said she even saw fingers at one point.

I don't see fingers, but I can see what she has labeled. I'm going to scan this at my work with a higher resolution and see if you can see a little more of him/her. It was a fairly good shot! I think the middle "leg or arm" is actually the cord.
Butch wasn't able to go with me since the ultrasound was pushed up a day - bummer.
The good news is that s/he looks really healthy and happy and at home right where s/he is! More updates as they come!
22 January:
Checkup. Butch was able to go with me to hear the heartbeat since this was a noontime appointment. They had some doubts of hearing the heartbeat with the Doppler at 12 weeks, but Dr Wight found it fairly fast. He didn't give me a heartrate, but I'll ask next time around.
So far my blood pressure is looking really good and all my initial tests came back looking good - we're off to a good start!
The only thing that is on the down side is that I had more spotting on the 20th and they are telling us to be really careful at this point....time will tell on this, but each time it happens it's not excessive, so I'm not too worried at this point.
19 February:
Normal checkup. I had to wait an hour AGAIN to see the doctor - sometimes I wish I could be seen off base - sure would make life much easier at times. Since last time, there has been no more bleeding. This is a good thing.
I took the blood test for the Alfa Fetal Protein (triple screen). About all I know is that it looks at the proteins in the mothers blood (some transfer over from the amniotic fluids) and can look for higher rates of spina bifida and downs syndrome. I was in a high range last time, so am curious what I will be this time.
There is a theory out there that it can give you an idea if you are headed for problems later in the pregnancy. I can see that because there are starting to be links between protein and pre-eclampsia.
Other than that, there isn't much to report. Heart rate is down to 140 (from 160 at the ultrasound) another wives tale of lower heart rate being a boy.
I am carrying this one high and out front (another boy indication? LOL) and there is a definite end to me and beginning to baby with this one, with Elizabeth I was just sort of rounded in front - the whole time! Next appointment is the 19th of March.
I'm due for my second Ultra Sound in about 4 or 5 weeks (after the 19th of March). I may just find out what the sex of this one is if s/he will cooperate. As you can tell, though, we're hoping for a boy. Even Elizabeth is saying she is going to have a baby brother. Does she know more than we do? Grin
For the Ultra Sound I am going to make up two cards - one that will say, "it's a boy" and one that say's "it's a girl." I'm going to give it to the technician before she starts and then have her choose the correct card for the sex she thinks it is…. And maybe photos if she can sneak one in without letting Butch really know what it is! Elizabeth's going in with us on this one too - it should be really fun to see her reaction and hear what she will have to say about all this! Can't wait, can't wait!
Cute story
When I went to get Elizabeth from day care, I picked her up - she started rubbing my boob with this wide eyed look on her face and telling all her class mates, "My mommy has a baby in her tummy." I just chuckled and told her that was my boob and my tummy was lower - and moved her hand. She is really getting excited about this idea. Wonder how long after it gets here she'll want to send it back!
25 February:
It’s official! I have just hit 17 weeks and have “passed” my first milestone in this pregnancy!!! I had already elevated in blood pressure at this time with my pregnancy with Elizabeth. This time my blood pressure is actually in the low range! Too exciting! I feel like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders!
Another Cute Story
Elizabeth and I had crawled into her bed to read stories for bed time. She usually in on the "inside" of the daybed, by the rail. I was snuggling with her reading a story, but she kept scooting away and hanging onto the rail to pull herself farther and farther away. Finally her face would be in the book and I would tell her to scoot back so I could read - this happened a few times before I gave up and asked her what was wrong! Her reply? "I don't want to squish the baby, mom." I had to chuckle because when she is out running around and jumping up into laps, I will tell her to be careful not to squish the baby! Guess she took it to heart! I showed her that the baby is way in my tummy and can't be hurt just by snuggling, etc. So, what do I get in return? "But mom, your belly is getting 'velly' big!' Gee, thanks kid; there goes my ego! LOL! I then shoved one of her little pillows under my shirt and asked what she would think when I got THIS big! You should have seen her eyes and mouth both pop open! Then she started giggling and rubbed my belly! She is so cute about this baby - the reality will be sort of shocking, I'm sure, but I think she'll handle it just fine. Now if I could just get her and dad to quit insisting it's a boy we'll be good....I don't want her to be disappointed if it's a girl!
2 March:
Well, we took the AFP (Alfa Fetal Protein) blood test just over a week ago. This test looks for proteins that would indicate problems in your pregnancy - such as Downs Syndrome or Spina Bifida (sp?). I took this same test with Elizabeth and it came out abnormal on all accounts, but we didn’t have the option to retest because our test results came in so late. We also opted not to do the amnio at that point because our results were high (1:700 and should have been 1:1100) but not out of this world. We just prepared ourselves that things may not be "perfect" and went on. I thought that we would be too late to retest with this one to, but guess what??? It was completely and totally normal!!! Yeah!! I was surprised, but very pleased. There is a theory out there that Pre-eclamptic women can sometimes have abnormal results as an indication that things will not go well for their pregnancy – in that they will get Pre-e again. So, I took a big breath and did a few back flips – ok, I really didn’t do the back flips, but I sure felt like doing them!! After two good pieces of news in one week, I really have a feeling that I’m going to make it to full term this time. Before, I was really thinking that I would be on bed rest at some point of this pregnancy, but as we progress, and things are going so differently with this one, I have such a good feeling about the whole thing. It’s almost awful to say, but there were times I questioned the sanity of getting pregnant again and putting my life and the life of this baby on the line….now it seems like it will all be OK. I had been told the odds of me having Pre-e again were at 20% or lower and my OB said he calculated in the 1 to 2% range. I didn’t really believe him until recently – If things are going so well at this point, I really feel that there is a good chance that I would be in that 1% category and maybe face labor at the end of this one…eeek – we won’t go there – I don’t want to even consider that part until later, much later!! LOL
19 March:
24 March:
It's official, the US results are in!!!
Here they are:

We were able to get a good look at the head right away and it was thrilling for me - I was scrunched way down on the table to let me see part of the screen...but I was able to see movement right away. I saw hands and moving in and out of the picture. It was really amazing since Elizabeth essentially slept through her Ultrasounds all the time! This photo, you're looking down on the babies’ head/chest (to the left of the screen) and seeing it's hand and arm - it kept swatting at the wand while the ultrasound tech was looking! :o)
We then moved to the profile of the face. This is more of a semi-profile. The baby is facing you with it’s head turned to your right, but you are almost able to see it’s left eye – you should only see the right in a true profile. You’re seeing a dark spot farther in than you would expect…that’s because you get to see a lot of the bridge of it’s nose!
Other than that news, the baby is measuring ahead in leg length. Was there any doubt this would be long legged, no matter what? LOL! It measured in at 23 weeks in length. The belly measured 22 inches in circumference. Guess where it gets that? But the good think is that it’s head is about a 20 week size – I’m just a day under 21 weeks and they didn’t bat an eye. My only thought was – could this mean an easy labor? I sure hope so!!
What? You want to know more?
OK, drum roll please – the photo say’s it all folks!

The photo say's it all!! You'll have to wait for it to load, now won't you? GRIN!
I was almost disappointed when she said there was no doubt in her mind that this was a girl. Ok, truth, I was disappointed. This pregnancy has been SO different that I was thoroughly convinced it was a boy – guess not, hu? Oh, well. Butch said it’s so different because this is a HEALTHY pregnancy. True, that must be what it is. I'm getting really used to the idea - it's been a few hours and I realize I have TONS of girl clothes in the closet for this little one!
16 April:
I got to meet my new OB and I really like her - the only drawback at this point is she is due on June 5th - how's that for ironic!? It's nice to be listened to and really talked with during an exam and I got my first measurement of my belly - I am 24 weeks but am measuring at 28 week - yikes! I'm almost as big as I was when I delivered Elizabeth!! The babies’ heart rate was about 140 again and I haven't gained any weight at this point. I had lost 8 or more, gained all that back, but broke even last checkup (4 weeks ago) and am still there. I'm really hoping that this is because I am seeing someone new and the scales are different! For once in my life I want to gain weight - not loose or even maintain!! Other than that, it was a very nice visit.
30 April:
I'm now 26 weeks pregnant! I did have an appointment today but my Dr. got called out of the office - I assume it was a delivery. I was to get the glucose test today, so asked if I could go ahead with that and there wasn't a problem with that.... I went to the hospital and drank the sugar drink. It really wasn't as bad as I had heard - it was VERY syrupy, VERY strong, but mostly tasted like and orange crush drink with a burn in your throat due to the sugar content! I even got to go shopping for the hour wait - I found some TALL maternity pants, so bought those (kaki, for those of you wondering!)and went back to finish the test. I'll hear the results on Tuesday afternoon when I rescheduled the appointment with the Dr. Photo to be posted then too! This belly is getting BIG!! (and I'm loving it!)

Me at 25 weeks pregnant - BIG belly! :o)
5 May:
Ok, at 26 weeks and 5 days, I had my appointment. Baby's heart rate was whopping 150 beats per minute. My fundal measurement was at 30 - right on course for where I should be from last time - two weeks, two centimeters growth, but still ahead of where I "should" be at this point. Big baby? We'll see in about 14 more weeks (cross your fingers)! I passed my glucose test with a 111 - I guess this is good, mom (diabetic) says the cut off is at 130 and the OB said my number was good. The only other measurement was the weight thing. I was caught chewing out the scales for not going up a pound, but down 1/2 pound! The OB went over it all with me and has said that there are no problems with this right now. I don't understand this, but if she says's so and the baby is developing well, who's to argue. I could be a smaller size when this kiddo is born at this rate!! I have been at my starting weight for 8 weeks now after that initial loss in the beginning - if it's not one thing, it's another for me to obsess about :o) So far it's just looking like a large baby who's just taking what she needs from me for the time being. I'll just eat healthy and hope that it all works out to my advantage!
28 May:
I'm 30 weeks and one day according to my figures, 30 weeks and 2 days according to the OB's charts. The kicker part is that I'm measuring BIG at 36 cm....that's like 36 weeks. YIKES!! They have ordered an ultrasound to make sure everything is fine, which I'm sure it is. The comment was made that I have an "odd shaped uterus” meaning that I'm all out front and nothing to the side.... very long and "thin" in the uterine department. I'm wondering though if this isn't just typical for me... Elizabeth was measuring right on target for the whole pregnancy, then showed up being 4 weeks behind in growth. Ok, her last measurement was at 28 weeks and it was right on target and she was only about the size of a 30-week gestation baby - maybe it was a fluke on hers. Something to think about though.
The only other things were my questions on swelling of hands - I'm getting more, but it's being blamed on the size of me and the fact that it's getting hot here.... My blood pressure is fine and my urine must be fine because no one is telling me any different. I gained 4 pounds this last three weeks, but I hate to say it, I blame it on new shoes (clunky sandals) and water retention from the heat. Even so, I’m holding my own and staying active - looking into a pool to make the heat issue fade in my mind! :o) Oh, heart rate was 158 today and this nurse palpated my tummy and really irritated someone! There were a lot of annoyed kicks after she got her reading....probably woke her up - all was quiet before then!

Me at 29 weeks pregnant - BIG belly! :o)
June 8:
ULTRASOUND! Well, this US was done to see if the reason that I'm so big is due to excess fluids, or just a BIG baby in there. The good news is that it's neither. She's just the right size (and yes, I double-checked on the "she" part!) for her gestational age. She was measuring at the correct dates - in fact they place her due date on the 4th of August. The fluids are at 12 - I was told anything under 10 would be watched, as well as anything over 15, so she's just right in that area as well. So, I'm just poking right out front - oh, well, this is actually enjoyable and still comfortable unless it comes to turning over during the night! Her weight estimated at 4lb's 1oz and she's a thumb sucker! :o) The Tech bounced her around to get a good shot at her face - bounced that thumb right out - her heart rate was about 130, so you KNOW she was happy sleeping until the world started to bounce :o) You can tell in the pictures that she was working it back into her mouth as they were taking a look at her! What personality already!

Too cute! :o)
June 11:
Saw a new Dr this week due to my OB having her baby (she had another boy) - totally forgot to ask what she had and how she was! I had and appointment at 9:20, that got moved to 11:20, then the day of the appointment it was moved AGAIN to 1:00. Sigh, I was never getting out of town to go to my sisters! I weigh 2lbs less than two weeks ago - so I now only have a 2-lb. total weight gain.... sigh, I give up being concerned about this. It's almost a joke now! I measured 38 (GULP!!) cm at 32 weeks!!! Oh, well, I'm just getting bigger and bigger! I think it's funny sometimes. I roll over in bed and have trouble getting the belly started, but once it gets some momentum, there it goes and drags me over and I have to catch up!! :o) Very different from my experience with Elizabeth - I was a full 8 centimeters smaller than what I am right now! It's almost FUN being this big this time :o) What else, the heart rate was 150 at this visit, she was awake and very cooperative about having her heart rate taken - the Dr was a little concerned with my measurements, but I told her the stats on the US - she called for the results and agreed that I just carry out there in front - and assumed it was a boy due to that :o) NOPE, girl, confirmed for the second time! So all is healthy and happy. This was my last "free" weekend as well. I go on limited travel as of week 34 - next appointment... OH, well, I have TONS of stuff to get done around here!

34 wks pg - milestone for me!! :o)
June 28:
Dr's visit with Fraizier again - she's back to work. I am almost 35 weeks - Wednesday/Thursday. I have gained 3 pounds in the last two and a half weeks :o) I now measure 37.....Tonya had commented that I had "dropped" and I didn't believe her until this week! I think it could be attributed to different Dr's examining me too...but still, after all the growth from before, it appears I'm slowing down and dropping as well. This is a good thing! Angela's heart rate was at about 140 - I think she was just hanging out and resting. She wasn't too active at that time. All in all a very good visit. I had my Group B Strep test done (yep, it was a swab - GAG). I didn't have to have one with Elizabeth because she wasn't a vaginal birth, but I guess they "swab" you when you plan on delivering vaginally so that you don't pass it on to the baby.... Other than that, it was a very nice visit - nothing out of the ordinary to report (very happily boring!!!)
July 13:
I'm almost 37 weeks, have had a lot of cramping and noted contractions that are doing something "down there" lately - no blood, no mucus plug though. I have gained 1 pound - up to a 6-pound gain now - woo hoo! LOL. I was measured at 39 this week...consistent with where I should be, I guess at this point. Angela's heart rate was 156 - she was moving around avoiding the Doppler this time :o) You could almost hear her "swimming" out of the way! My Group B Strep came back Negative - YEAH!! I also got my surgical records between these visits - very informative and helpful for them to say, "yes, vaginal is fine" double YEAH! I'm at the very relaxed "non-concerned" part right now, I think.... I just don't foresee anything really going drastically wrong at this point. It's enjoyable and relaxed. I had an internal due to the "activity" that I've been having.... I am not dilated, nor am I effaced, but I am soft - I don't know why, but that just thrilled me.... they are saying that this is the start towards the effacement, etc.. I'm on my way, and instead of being more scared than anything, I was EXCITED to hear that things are starting to move right along! So, still boring as all get out, and I couldn't be happier!! :o)
July 29:
I'm STILL at work, so you guys can only guess what this means in the long run, hu? I didn't get induced this week. I had an appointment on Thursday the 29th (yesterday) and here is the results: I am NOT dilated, I MAY be about 30% effaced, and miss Angela is STILL floating happily in her warm little cocoon - this after being super soft two and a half weeks ago!! I have been cramping and having contractions for NOTHING it would seem. OK, they aren't for nothing, but it was just frustrating to hear these things yesterday when I felt for sure I was progressing farther than THAT!
Sigh. I talked to my OB about what she was talking about with the induction - started to get the explanation of time frame, weight of baby, success of VBAC, etc.. I knew that was her reasoning for not wanting to go over my due date, but I wanted to know what DRUGS she was thinking of, if any, or if she was thinking breaking water, stripping membranes, etc.. Well, after a nice chat about things, she's under the impression that stripping membranes really just hurts like h*ll and doesn't do a whole lot of real good unless you are on the verge of going into labor anyway... like being dilated - which I'm NOT. So, she said she could do it, but it's not even a sure thing to get labor going...she's seen about 50% either way... I opted out of the pain - WOOOOSSSSS! :o)
So... she suggested we schedule a room and if I choose to back out of the induction, she would let me - she's sure to tell me that it has to be with my consent that we do the induction... can you tell I was really hem-hawing about doing the induction? LOL! When it came right down to it I was waffling BAD!! If I'm going to wait until this baby "comes on her own" then I would really like to be able to do that.... but then that other half of the brain and the body that can't turn over anymore just SCREAMS for me to just do it and get it over with - to heck with this idea of "natural" labor without drugs. So... although I didn't induce this week, it could still happen next week if I don't go into labor on my own. I go in on Tuesday for an appointment to see if I'm dilated or anything, then go in at 6:30 am on Wednesday the 4th of August for induction unless I just run for the hills and see if/when this child wants to make her way into the world.... see, I'm waffling again already!
I'm still trying to "talk" her into making her appearance NOW - tried accupressure, aroma therapy, you name it, she's just not ready to come out just yet!! I told her Grandma's here to see her now and yet she still just wants to hang out with mom a while longer!

Looking tired, but VERY PREGNANT!! :o)
August 4th:
I went into the hospital at 6:30am on Wednesday the 4th of August... I was really scared to know what would happen... I had gone to my appointment the day before and the Dr "stretched" my cervix a little - it had been soft for three weeks, but no effacement or dilations at all... well, she stretched me to a 2cm at best. I asked if this was similar to stripping the membranes and she said "no, that's alot rougher" Hummm... I had cramping, but that was it... when I went to the hospital the next morning I was in labor, but nothing significant... so we started the pit. It wasn't as bad as everyone said it would be. Well, not until about 10am that is!
At about 10am I had three contractions that just wouldn't let up AT ALL and they came in and turned down the pit for a while - whew!! Those brought tears to my eyes!! Anyway, I had called Mardel (my doula) the night before and she was coming in at noon... and happened to call just after these contractions hit me HARD and I had said "it's time to get her here!" Good timing on her part. She came out around noon anyway..... but I was handling it alot better by then... they had turned it down twice and low and behold she showed up when I was crying due to a few more that had hit me like a truck!!
I switched back and forth between the rocker/glider and the bed for a while... found out that kneeling WAS NOT the position for me - that brought on a 5 minute contraction that wouldn't let up!!! YOUCH!! I sat on the birth ball for a few hours it would seem.. that really helped too! It was softer than the bed and really let me get my back into a good position - I was having h*ll of back labor by this point. Angela WOULD NOT face down to save her! Oh, well. I was going really well with minimal pit by this time so they turned it off and I went into the tub for a while. It didn't help with the back labor AT ALL... the jets were in the wrong spot :o( I had warned Mardel that if this didn't help the back pain, I was asking for the epidural.. it didn't help and I asked for it... shaking like a leaf and hobbling to bed through contractions....
I got back on the bed, got settled in for the whopper contractions that happen after I move... they came... the epidural man (the one I now want to marry! (kidding, kidding!)) got there somewhere around 3pm and I had been at 6/7cm and about 95% effaced when I went to the tub. I went in at 3cm and only about 10% effaced if that, so there was alot of progress early in the day. I managed to survive a contraction and a whopper of a kick (that set off the contraction) from Miss Angela.. and within minutes my backache was gone!! I had a light one and could feel some of the contractions... but not many. I could feel my feet and move them - although they felt like lead! I then took a nap/rest for an hour!! They came in, checked me and found me to be 9.5 cm and 95% effaced but Angela was still really high - 0 station if I was lucky! So they broke my water and told me to rest and relax a little more and we'ld be pushing soon...they turned on the warmer on the bed... reality hit about then! This was really happening... I was HAVING A BABY! Dumb to just get this reality when they turn on the warmer....
At 5pm I started to push... very mellow on my part - just concentrate on the contractions and push through them... they hurt, but not too bad - no worse than the first ones that made me think "this is real labor"... then when I got past the cervix, the pain was gone and the "feel good" pushing they talked about was there.. it wasn't too hard; it was work, but not a bad thing. That part lasted until I went back on my back with legs up to my chest and Angela moved down about an inch.. they called the Dr about 1/4 till 6 and things were getting to the real PUSH part... still not bad. So much for composure and being "quiet" during pushing... I don't like the hold your breath and push... I was a panter and a groaner - but I kept my eyes closed for the most part. I can't concentrate with my eyes open for some reason :o)
I had no clue who was there, who wasn't, didn't care for that matter!! There was comments about "look, this is your babies head... she had 1/2" hair and push some more and we'll tell you the color" and I just couldn't look... weird, hu? I just wanted to keep my eyes closed and concentrate on getting this baby pushed out. Well, the only time I looked was when there was a comment about blood... then comments about not being able to get Angela's heartbeat - this wasn't THAT unusual during the whole labor she was hard to track because of her location... but that freaked me out. They were worried about hemorrhage, etc.. So, even though I didn't want to, we put a head monitor on Angela... she was fine and thrived during the whole labor - she was even hiccuping in there from time to time during labor - very mellow about it.
ANYWAY - crowing was THE WORST feeling ever - BUT I was ripping at this point, so I think this has something to do with that feeling. She crowned and I was begging for it to be over with... they said one more push and she would be here... and she was! They placed her on my stomach - I was going to help deliver, but I was on my back with my legs up to my armpits, so I didn't feel like I could get down there to get her... so I just said "just hand her to me!" They did, I turned her over to face me, they suctioned her and got her all wiped down and there she was... all 8lb's 14oz's of her! She was making noise as soon as her head was out... had her cord around her neck once (her sister was around three times...) she had dark hair and I tried to get her to nurse right away, but she wasn't interested... she did suck on my finger for a while. I was getting sewn up at this point - 3rd degree tear - and was squirming ALOT... I let them take her and weigh her and all that jazz - yeah, I know, I know, I said I didn't want them to take her, but I really wanted to know what she weighed!! :o) They handed her back and I held her until Grandma (my mom) came in to meet her... by then I was REALLY squirming from being prodded - looking for holes in the uterus because of all the blood... so Grandma got to hold her for a while. When they finished up with me, got me all cleaned off Elizabeth got to meet her and they were in love from the first minute! Elizabeth is funny with her - she kisses her all the time!!
Well, now that I have totally bored you to death - that was my whole experience... I have to say that having C-section and natural that there really isn't much difference in that moment of first meeting that baby.. even when it's a week after her birth like it was with my first. The recovery from a natural birth was MUCH better - I was in the bathroom that night at 12pm - 6 hours after giving birth... I didn't sit up for 12 hours after that C-section!!
Angela at 2 weeks and weighing a whopping 9lbs 7oz - oink, oink! Mom has high fat milk, it would seem!