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Ferdinand - 12/06/00 08:50:20
Most wonderfullest place to roam. Man, do I wish I was a goat here. Love Ferdinand (the billy goat)
Micki - 11/25/00 06:52:55
My Email:sumpeopleskids@aol.com
just trying to find some one who loves oberhausli I live in Pa and am having a hard time finding a good registered Buck. were are you located. thanks Micki
Micki - 11/25/00 06:52:45
My Email:sumpeopleskids@aol.com
just trying to find some one who loves oberhausli I live in Pa and am having a hard time finding a good registered Buck. were are you located. thanks Micki
Kelly Hufft - 10/12/00 01:36:11
My Email:khufft@yahoo.com
Wonderful site! You do an amazing variety of things!
Rik vonTrense - 09/23/00 19:24:48
My URL:http://homepage.ntlworld.com/riktrense
My Email:riktrense@ntlworld.com
Hy Guys....Just passing through thought I'd sit awhile and browse...I'm from the other side of the pond your URL came up on an email to my group of Artisan Cheesemakers...thought I would follow it up.
Gonna browse now....by Limey Rik
glenda and al hickey - 09/18/00 01:11:13
My Email:ashley@sk.sympatico.ca
very very impressive-thanks
Carla Emery - 08/04/00 00:26:02
My URL:http://www.vtc.net/~ddelong
My Email:Carlacontact@aol.com
Dear Martha,
Your website is lookin' GREAT!!! Love all those healthy, happy critters. You are an amazing lady--amazing in spirit, capabilities, energy... Don't ever stop!
Love, Carla
Cindy Whitaker - 07/09/00 14:16:45
My Email:whitaker@wtrt.net
Very nice site. Really enjoyed the reading and how you got involved in soaping. Yes, I recognize the orange clump in my lye pot! Thank for sharing your story
Circle S Ranch - 05/16/00 19:22:10
My URL:http://www.circlesranch,org
My Email:rubysaylor@aol.com
Thank you for the sample of soap, it's wonderful.
Kristy Ficker - 03/17/00 22:00:10
My Email:Kristy.R.Ficker@us.abb.com
Martha, Glad you are enjoying Duenna (aka Barbie). She was a joy for us when we had her and you will find that she throws blessed and beautiful babies with great dispositions. I'm interested to see what she throws when you breed her to a Paso. My Paso
wning friend says you'll have a horse that gaits and goes forever. What more could you ask for? Have fun with her and keep in touch.
Jeffrey Bolich - 03/08/00 14:36:50
My URL:http://www.jdswoodworks.com
My Email:bolichjd@gte.net
Martha, Just re-read your farewell message to us here at the liquid power plant (again, for the umpteenth time) how profound your words are. They apply to me every day, conoco doesn't know what they have in most of the work force here. Anyway, I've been
working hard at getting my business to the point where I can leave here and enjoy the fruits of self employment. My target was this spring, unfortunately my wife is job hunting and I may need to stay longer than I had planned.
Hope ya'll are in good health and take care.
jeffrey bolich
Melinda Williams - 03/03/00 23:51:44
My URL:http://scfpasofino-largohorses.com
My Email:melwynd@usit.net
Love your pages, great work. Please come and visit, Melinda
Betty Anne Jeffery (BEE) - 03/03/00 00:28:55
I enjoyed my "tour", and will be returning for more!
- 02/17/00 20:12:40
carien - 02/11/00 21:24:38
My Email:thornapplefarm@hotmail.com
Nice site, Martha and nice getting to know you on the Arab list.Best wishes in all your endeavors! Carien
NanC Fenton - 02/06/00 00:31:39
My Email:georgenanc@pahrump.net
2/4/00: Your goat herd management facts are truly one of the best on the inter-net. Do you have one on fecal collecting and microscope work?
Thanks you so very much for your contribution. NanC...."Tohona Boers" Pahrump, NV
Caroline - 02/03/00 14:24:58
My Email:rockygirl_60@webtv.net
I enjoyed looking through your webpage
Greg Storch - 01/26/00 01:28:18
carla everett - 01/07/00 19:36:05
My Email:ceverett@tahc.state.tx.us
I like your site! I've sent you two other news
releases to get you "caught up" on what's
happening...I think you'll especially be
interested in the goat article. carl
Dan's Banners, Links and Money $ites - 01/04/00 23:50:13
My URL:http://www.dansbanners.com
My Email:webmaster@dansbanners.com
One could learn alot about different animals or
as you would say "critters" just from looking at
your site ! Your site's also very well designed with the image map on the main page and all of the
pictures throughout your site. Keep up the good work ! Come on over and submit your banner to my site for some free advertising ! : )
Jasper Adamson - 01/04/00 07:23:02
My Email:jaspertime@aol.com
I have researching llamas as part of a microfarm / small farm operation...I have really enjoyed your site and the links you provided.
Do you have any thoughts to share on getting started? Budgeting? Costs? Etc.
Jasper Adamson
San Antonio, Texas
Dede Allen - 01/02/00 17:08:16
My Email:d2allen@uswest.net
Dear Martha and John,
I found your web site via the Biodynamic forum which I recently joined. I was moved by your comments on the bd forum about the cows you see along the highway. I feel a sense of empathy and concern for animals I see along the roadways; I've rescued many do
s over the years that I know were either dumped or lost. Otherwise, uncaring motorists just drive by or run them over. I'm glad there are people in the world like you who feel concern and then act on it when necessary.
Your site is wonderful. It has information and neat pictures about so many things I am interested in: organic gardening, cooking, animals, dogs, and HORSES. Your Paso Finos are gorgeous! I am also wanting to learn more about goats and maybe get some for m
lking. My husband and I have a 20 acre place in Spokane, Washington. We have one Morgan horse, a Viszla, and are starting a wine vineyard (amoung other things)
Happy new year and thanks for sharing your farm.
Foxglove Farm Comptche, Ca. . - 12/16/99 01:13:28
My Email:kyla@mcn.org
WhiteHorse - 11/30/99 05:56:57
My URL:http://white-horse.net/
My Email:WhiteHorse@white-horse.net
Howdy! What a GREAT web-site! Just surfed in & like what I see. Would like to invite you to enter my web-site competition; The White Horse Pwace Trail. A FUN way to promote your web-site & help provide a "family friendly"surfing network for others. Interested? Accepting sign-ups now for December Contests. Check it out by Clicking On The Graphic. WhiteHorse@white-horse.net ICQ# 13903178 On a Quest - Currently in California
Thanks so much for the use of your web site last year. If I can figure out how I will set me up one. Yours is always so great. Thanks again, Tommy
Diane - 11/25/99 21:09:05
My Email:estailor@escape.ca
Thanks for the hoof trimming lesson. I've been
looking all over for this.
Can't wait for more cheese recipes.
Clarence Schram - 11/19/99 01:10:17
My Email:animalnut@gateway.net
very nice Martha. Do you still have Xcess? Cant wait to see what Christie decides!
11/11/99 12:11:27
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook
paula da silva - 10/14/99 17:03:59
My Email:arabian.dasilva@iol.it
Fantastic site! Nice graphics, full of emotions
all the texts!
"Complimenti", I would say in italian.
You have done a very good job
Roylyn Coufal - 10/14/99 12:20:43
My URL:http://www.goatmagazine.com
My Email:editor@goatmagazine.com
Martha, I am always impressed with your work. Where in the world do you find the time?
Vivica Fischer - 10/02/99 19:35:41
My Email:rvfisch@mcn.net
I learned alot while just skimming. Did I read right that the Ober.s are poled; even now? I have one of my kids that doesn't have a sput! We are new tho...We have Boer's for meat and was thinking of taking over Saaneen's cuz the breeder is retiring. I
hink I might like the Ober.'s. Where can I go to compared the two breeds?
Again, thankyou for all you web info and stories. I still need to read some things,but have to get ready for a birthday party. Vvc (Vivica)
Ilah Karol - 09/29/99 22:34:43
My Email:ilahkarol@aol.com
Hi, I haven't looked at it yet:(
Jenni Brown - 09/15/99 13:30:13
My Email:createfigures@clinic.net
I am enjoying your web page. Especially the story of Poe. I have a similar bird, a pigeon who I found as a fledgling. She never wanted to leave, and now, three years later has the freedom to fly around the house and out to the barn when we are home. T
e cats, dogs and llamas have gotten used to her joining them as a buddy. (Or at least they tolerate her.) I'll be back to visit again, right now I should be getting some work done. Again, really great things you are doing and nice page.
katherine - 08/12/99 22:42:45
My Email:kwallie@aol.com
katherine - 08/12/99 22:33:46
My Email:kwallie@aol.com
Virginia Reger Morton - 08/11/99 20:23:06
My Email:mollama@pldi.net
I like your web site. You sure are kept busy with that many animals. We keep from 70 to 80 Llamas and use college help part time. We live 16 miles from OSU vet school. Sure makes it nice.
Do you ever come to the Celebrity Sale in OKC? Would love to met you.
Dana Faber - 08/11/99 02:44:26
My Email:danafaber@yahoo.com
great web sight. say hi to Penny for me. i just stoped in to see if you had posted the X girls win at AGS show in Denton. that was a couple hours ago.
Gail Brusseau - 07/27/99 21:58:45
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/LeFleursDG
My Email:Le_Fleurs@excite.com
Since you were so kind to sign my guestbook....figured as many times as I've been here...it was about time I signed your's.
I'm the Gail from Fla that talked to you about Obers at one time and ended up getting a pair from Tommy this past April.
Thank you for the kind words about my Obers! :))
Your site is soooo much better that mine! Love to come back time after time and look at the beautifull animals you have!
Auntie - 07/23/99 01:19:10
My Email:acmarsh@flash.net
Its me again. Thought I would sign your book!!!!
Please write sooooooooon.
- 07/23/99 01:07:12
Hi Martha,
I'm trying to send you an E Mail letter so am
sending this ahead of the note . let me know if
you receive this and I will continue!!!!!!
Judith Graf - 07/19/99 04:40:23
My Email:foxhutch@interl.net
Nice site, much info. Have been searching for good quality Obi's for 3 years!
Johanne Craig - 06/18/99 22:03:56
My URL:http://web.idirect.com/~craig
My Email:johannec@home.com
Hi, excellent pages you have. I really enjoyed my visit.
Candy Newton - 05/28/99 00:05:29
My Email:cnewton@presys.com
Thank You Thank You, for the great site.
I can only hope that some day my girls are as
nice as yours.
I have been wanting to clip, but the girls are due I bred late. So your info on the tail ligements was benificial, I guess we will clip latter. They are so miserable now.
myrrhsea - 05/08/99 14:33:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/2732
My Email:myrrhsea@bellsouth.net
Peace to Flylo Farms,
Thank you for creating such a wonderful resource and guide for those looking to live simply and naturally.
Tiffany N. Davenport - 04/28/99 15:05:19
My Email:Tiffany N. Davenport-2@usa.conoco.com
Hi Martha! Just checking out your site it's has lots of great information. We really miss you here at Conoco!
Luke - 04/04/99 11:07:54
My URL:http://www.ma.ultranet.com/~erice/farm/index.html
I just wanted to comment on what a well done web page you have! I was looking at Oberhasli goats when i found it. We raise LaManchas and make cheese, but i've been looking for an excuse to get an Oberhasli. Don't forget Scottish Highland Cattle in your se
rch, they're great.
Cyndy Ross - 03/22/99 22:59:45
My Email:cynross@tir.com
Just stopped in while searching for information to add to our church's community garden.....Thanks!
Kay Kloecker - 03/18/99 02:38:59
My Email:kkloecker@hotmail.com
I really enjoyed you site. Tell Penny hello.
Keith Bellinger - 03/15/99 05:04:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/picketfence/1204/sonrise.html
My Email:bartermn@epix.net
Martha, what a tremendous site! I especially liked the travel section, but the whole place is great! Thanks for the tour!
Paul Stewart - 03/14/99 17:45:09
My Email:abiogen@isn.net
I work as an agrifood consultant in Prince Edward Island, Canada,just north of Nova Scotia on the East coast. My major interests now are medicinal herb markets, processing/extraction options, organic farm assistance with mycorrhizal fungi and other biore
ediations, and plant tissue culture for rare or endangered species assistance. I saw your site on a list of seed sources for medicinal herbs. What activities or services/products are your people active in? Do you do research as well? Thanks for the gre
t page and links.
Dick of Tulsa - 02/27/99 04:39:44
My Email:yogirik@juno.com
Dig! I finally made it into/onto your groovy Web Site! And now, without further adeau, I'm going to look it over. Who knows?...I may have a GOAT grazing in my back yard before I'm through!
What's a "URL"?
Terry Butterfield - 02/16/99 02:15:46
My Email:tgxk@txcyber.com
Hi Martha,
I like your page! Keep up the good work!
Catch ya later,
Kathleen Keller - 02/15/99 14:07:30
My Email:jazzie56@aol.com
jennifer Bauman - 02/10/99 19:27:58
My Email:bauman@rabun.net
Your web site is very well done. I raise Nubians and am expecting kids any day. Am looking forward to trying some of your recipes.
Lucy Bryant - 02/03/99 20:05:31
My Email:Brydrcrk@aol.com
Martha, I truly can't say enough about this site. It is wonderful & I want to thank you for your efforts. I haven't gone to the goat site yet(saving the best for last)! Will be back after chores when I have time to sit & enjoy. Again, thanks.
Karen - 02/01/99 20:38:02
My Email:vornholt@badger.tds.net
Enjoyed reading of your agrarian pursuits. We have a flock of Hampshire sheep that I use the tallow from (after butchering for customers) to make soap from. It truly is a fun hobby. Perhaps someday I'll make that into a business venture too. Also, goo
luck on working with the llama fiber. Several in our local spinning guild have spun llama but I haven't yet. To much to do with wool to venture into other fibers just yet. Finally keep up the good postings to the Bread Machine List, that's where I ori
inally found the link to your web page.
Bobby - 01/23/99 04:15:42
My Email:bobbys@direct.ca
I've been enjoying your posts on the Homestead list for a while now. The first while I had you pictured as 65 or 70 because you know so much!
I've since figured out that your much younger.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with so many
of us.
Tammy Bainbridge - 01/08/99 22:52:44
My Email:fumc_tammy@yahoo.xom
Saw your link in bread list. Nice to meet you! tam
Paul Romano/Strawberry Country Crafts - 01/04/99 10:56:41
My URL:http://www.icat.com/strawberrycountrycrafts
My Email:Strawberrycc@infoave.net
Martha, Thanks for the great site. I've learned alot from others like you. Keep up the great work.
Paul in Mt.Airy,NC
Lynn - 12/30/98 18:50:02
My Email:TLKW@aol.com
way to go, mew!
Melissa Ainsworth - 12/28/98 16:47:54
My Email:damewood@cybcon.com
Seeking info on goats. Thank you
Marge Costa - 12/28/98 04:35:38
My Email:mcosta@snet.net
Andrea Green - 12/24/98 19:48:11
My URL:http://homepage.plix.com/agreen/
My Email:agreen@plix.com
Very nicely done. I enjoyed the reading it.
jason slenk - 12/23/98 15:46:21
My Email:jasonks3@aol.com
we are going to miss you here at conoco. good luck in the future . merry christmas Martha from B-Shift!:)
to: Martha Wells
from: Jason Slenk & B-Shift
Jackie Rangel - 12/22/98 18:57:52
My Email:jyr456@yahoo.com
Martha, I'm signing your guestbook. I hope you remember me when you leave here. Good luck!!
Jackie Rangel
- 12/15/98 19:39:34
Brad Scott - 12/08/98 14:27:15
My URL:http://www.bdscott.com
My Email:bdscott@bdscott.com
Very nice and information filled site!
Well done.
Adriano Aquino - 12/08/98 12:54:56
My Email:aquino@cyb.com.br
Hi, Martha... I loved your site...
Adriano Aquino
Cyndi K - 12/02/98 00:18:05
My URL:http://www.eosdev.com/EosIndex.htm
My Email:cyndik@eosdev.com
This site just keeps getting better and better. Way to go, Martha!
Davenia Wolf - 11/29/98 03:15:29
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:Boots25520@aol.com
Art Guyer - 11/22/98 13:33:08
My URL:http://www.fareshare.net
My Email:art@fareshare.net
Hi Martha....
I enjoyed looking around your site. Thanks for being a contributing member of FareShare... Art
Matt Frisbie - 11/18/98 22:48:05
My Email:frisbiefram@prodigy.net
Hi all the goat breeders I am 13 years old and this spring I bought my frist 2 does just before they freshened
Donna Hatcher - 11/17/98 01:36:52
My Email:mdhexotics@aol.com
I like your web site. Lots of info. Kept it as one of my favorite places.
Anita Jackson - 11/15/98 22:42:43
My Email:hickorynec@oasisonline.com
Really enjoyed your website. Can't wait to try out some of those receipes, especially the Fried Milk.
Gail Brusseau - 11/09/98 01:32:07
My Email:gbruss@bellsouth.net
You have a wonderfully informative site!!!! I have really learned alot from going thru it and definity plan to return over and over again!
Larry G. Bell - 10/29/98 07:29:02
Justlooking around!
Bill Darling - 10/27/98 10:37:22
My URL:http://rio.atlantic.net/~bdarl
My Email:bdarl@atlantic.net
You've got a beautiful site, well done!!
A real winner!
jc - 10/27/98 05:26:18
![]() |
wHaT a ReFreShin sItE! you've done an excellent job, cant wait to see & read more. Thx for showing off my 'jaguar swimmin' photo!!! This is absolutely, without a doubt...an awesome vehicle to share our tripsNtips...& art as well...my gawd girl, think o
it all!!! later, love ya's, bec.
Jeanne Crippens - 10/18/98 18:05:46
My Email:jjjjcrip@swbell.net
I really enjoyed your website, and wanted to let you know I raise three kinds of wool sheep, two types of Angora goats and have a guard llama, and we shear, process and either spin or felt, knit, crochet, weave &/or natural dye all our fibers... contact m
for more info on processing the wool for either spinning or dyeing or felting... Jeanne (I am a member of the Huntsville guild, the Sam Houston Weaving and Spinning guild)
Tamara Chasteen - 10/18/98 15:53:25
My Email:woollady@hotmail.com
I too am a goat owner. I live in Huntsville and am a member of the Guild. You don't have to have anything to bring to the table in order to join. We even have members who don't weave or spin! Oh, I also have angora rabbits.
Donna Palmer - 10/16/98 23:59:20
My URL:http://www.cybergoat.com/CHill/
My Email:nubians@cybergoat.com
Hi Martha! Just found your website!!!! You didn't tell me you had it so I could link it on the Cyber Goats Breeder's home page links! Nice job on the pages.... your friend does nice work on the graphics....
Donna Palmer =-)
Crown Hill Nubians
DTP, Ink Web Design & Graphics
Cyber Goats... http://www.cybergoat.com/
Bette Sutton - 10/16/98 20:19:43
My Email:sutton@lcc.net
Very interesting operation you have going there. I am a member of Sam Houston Weavers & Spinners, and your web site was sent to me by Lemoine Beers.
Wish you could join our Guild to.
Lemoine D. Beers II - 10/16/98 14:15:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/3359
My Email:pagan@lcc.net
I enjoyed your site. I'll keep checking back to see what is new every now and then.
Lemoine D. Beers II
Suzan DeGray - 10/14/98 13:33:21
My Email:degray.suzan@tchden.org
This may or may not arrive . . . we'll see. I'll critique your site later (but of course it's 9000% better than anything I could do.)
Mike Woods - 10/14/98 01:49:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/vistapro
My Email:n/a
your site is
keep up the GR8 work! now please sign my guestbook =_)
Tom Opie - 10/13/98 16:31:26
My Email:topie1@mtpower.ocm
Looks nice Martha! You'll have to let me know when you start putting some recipes in the kitchen section.
Kris Hopkins - 10/10/98 15:24:29
My URL:http://www.geocities/rainforest/canopy/1844/
My Email:hopkinsl@gogebic.cc.mi.us
Just LOVE your site Martha. It's an inspiration to me to get back to work on mine! Good format, easily navigated, interesting stuff, attractive, and altogether top drawer. I also have goats and llamas, make soap and am a polenta fan so it has a special
appeal to me! Kris H
Janice Murphy - 10/10/98 12:57:27
My URL:http://users.txk.net/jmurphy/WambaLLamasHome.htm
My Email:jmurphy@txk.net
Nice web site. I found it from the camelid list.
I live in Texarkana, and have a web site also
Margaret Schulze - 10/03/98 18:46:59
My URL:http://www.dovecreek.com
My Email:dcllma@gte.net
Martha.... Enjoyed your site very much. I've been reading your messages on the camelid list and take great interest in what you say about your goats as well. We raise llamas and have a few wonderful goats as well. Do you live close to Andrea? We're in
San Angelo ... well, southwest of town, that is! margaret
Dawn Desrosiers - 10/03/98 05:34:32
My Email:dawnd@volcano.net
Love the graphics! Very nice.
Lynn Kane-Wardlow - 10/01/98 21:52:09
My Email:tlkw@aol.com
Hi Martha!
Cool Deal!!!!
edgar espinoza ( SARAMANTA SA) - 10/01/98 03:20:56
My Email:eespinoz@pi.pro.ec
goatlady - 09/30/98 15:19:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3014
My Email:goatlady@sedona.net
Martha.. nice job on you site!..very well done and enjoyable to read!! The goats are great..
Odile Vollmar - 09/30/98 04:02:18
My URL:http://www.geocite.com/Heartland/Meadows/4172/
My Email:okellie@stlmo.com
This page really helped me alot . I love the look of the web page it is really a cool Look one of the nicest one's I have ever seen . keep up the great work . Odile
Diana Thomson - 09/30/98 03:42:17
My Email:dthomson@ticz.com
Beautiful goats!
Priscilla Rose - 09/30/98 00:36:59
My URL:http://members.aol.com/abellakes/index.html
My Email:Abellakes@aol.com
What a great web site. I enjoyed reading everything including Miss Fitt.
Chelle Rogers - 09/29/98 19:03:24
My URL:http://www.rockisland.com/~castalia/
My Email:castalia@rockisland.com
Hi Martha! What a LOVELY job you've done on your pages!!! I'd love to be able to make my own soaps! Hopefully you'll have a Gift Set available soon as I think I'd enjoy sending those to friends. Big hugz, Chelle
Pril - 09/29/98 16:42:09
My Email:circlez@pldi.net
Just looking and will sign again. Just wanted you to know that I could at least get here while the computer and server are in a good mood. Congrats.
Cyndi K - 09/29/98 01:04:22
My URL:http://www.hollinet.com/~cyndik/index.htm
My Email:cyndik@hollinet.com
I really loved the goat pages! Good luck with your site.