Chattanooga Varnells

Here is My instant Web Page and E-mail if I am online, Will get right back to you

Grab you a CUP of Coffee and a cookie and sit back and Relax

Virginia Ann Varnell/ Plummer
Send email to preparer:
Ultimate Family Tree, ver 2.7
GIN Project Version 1
May 10, 1998


Here it is..... The Varnell News Letter. I send this out every Friday, To let People know where we came from and who we are..

Please join the mailing list, enter your e-mail address.

Lets HOP on Into the History of the my Family.Just Pick a Link and click on it

My Family Tree Varnell Information My New Family in VA. Cemetaries James Sullins Varnell,WWII
Our Jamaica Wedding A Good friend My Dads Shag Page Chattanooga Web History William M.Varnell
Arkansas Varnell's Babbs Home Page Sevier County Heritage Book 1994 WILBURN HOME PAGE Old Varnell Chart

Here is some Genealogy Links. Hope you enoy

Social Security Hamilton County Tennesse Find a Person Library of Congress Tennesse Vital Records
The Smokey's Cheryl Grubb A Journey in The Past 37th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Co.H Chattanooga, Tn.Webcrawler Search
The American Civil War Genealogy On Line Ancestry Searchable Genealogy Links Genealogy's Most Wanted

Here is an invitation that was sent out By Carl and Lillian Varnell
Last known address was Star Rt.
Guy, Arkansas 72061, This was in 1989. Thanks, to the page, Lillian, has contacted me.
This is the Chart of Pleasant Pierce.These next 2 were sent to me By Mortin Rose. Many thanks Mortin
nextpagePleasant Pierce
This is the Chart of Rufus Lafayette Varnell
nextpageRufus Varnell
here is a pic of Granville Varnell. Sent to me By Larry Varnell, This is his Father
nextpageGranville Varnell

Here is William and Ellis Varnell where they were signing up for the Goverment in 1902
nextpageWilliam R. Varnell

nextpageEllis Varnell

Let's Go Back to the Ole Days. If you Are Looking for a Varnell ...Click on the Gunslinger

While you are here, Take a look at the information on My Guestbook.We Varnell's are so Purrrrrrrfect...grin