This web page features my pastoral resume.

Feel free to print a hard copy for your reference. Please contact me about possible matches in ministry opportunities. Thank you!

Aaron A. Leung

Home #: Mobile #: 626.589.2235



Born: July 15, 1969 Marital Status: Married to Evelyn Lin on April 30, 2005 Parents: Kwai-Pui and Sonia Leung Raised: Newark, California Favorite Hobbies: Tennis, Music (especially percussion), Reading

Conversion Experience

I grew up in a family where almost all eventually became born-again believers (except for my father). My first church experience was at a Vacation Bible School event when I was 5 years old. I continued to attend San Lorenzo Japanese Christian Church in San Leandro, California occasionally until, at the age of 13, I gave my life to Jesus Christ on June 17, 1983 during a Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society Mount Hermon summer retreat for junior high school students at Camp Campbell in Boulder Creek, California. My cabin counselor, Brian Takushi, personally invited me to trust in Jesus Christ. Reverend James Toda of San Lorenzo Japanese Christian Church baptized me on September 3, 1989.


Return To Top Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA Doctor of Ministry, in progress since Spring 2006 Track: The Preacher and The Message American Red Cross Adult, Child, Infant CPR/First Aid Certification since December 2005 Mosaic, Pasadena, CA Fall 2005 Introduction to Biblical Counseling Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certification effective March 2001-March 2004 A+ CompTIA Certified Certification since February 2000
WSB Technologies, San Jose, CA Winter 2000 Installing and Configuring Microsoft Windows 2000 File, Print, and Web Servers Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) Certification since September 1999
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Ohlone College, Fremont, CA Spring 1999 Classes Related to Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Network Operating System Environment Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis (T-JTA) Certification to administer T-JTA since May 1998 Evangelical Training Association Graduate Teacher Diploma since May 1998 Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX Master of Theology, 1998 Major Academic Emphasis: Pastoral Leadership University of California, Davis, CA Bachelor of Arts, 1992 Major: Rhetoric and Communications Minor: Music Newark Memorial High School, Newark, CA High School Diploma, 1987 Most Inspirational Athlete, 1986 Men's Varsity Tennis Team


Return To Top God has crafted each of His own individually for His glory and purpose. Within the setting of an individual's background and giftedness, God displays His truth to guide and instill our service for Him. Growing up in Northern California, the Bay Area, I believe that the LORD has prepared me to be a witness to those I interact with and live with. My heart and burden is for those whom I am in contact with who need the life-changing message of God's love. I believe that the LORD has called me to serve Him in His church as a pastor. Through life and ministry experiences, He has given me a special burden to minister to those in a pastoral context. I believe that it is my calling to equip the saints for the work of His kingdom and that a significant portion of my ministry would go to equipping future leaders of the Body of Christ. My personal ministry vision is to be: 1. A pastor who leads and shepherds the Body of Christ. My passion and burden is for the Christian church in the United States. 2. A teacher who trains future pastors and church leaders for the next generation. I am interested in teaching anywhere in the world.


Return To Top The LORD has given to me, by His grace, certain areas of giftedness for the work of His kingdom, especially in the areas of encouragement, knowledge of the Bible, mercy, and teaching. Through past experiences and through the direction of God's hand, I have come to understand and enjoy the areas of giftedness that the LORD has equipped me with. I enjoy interacting with both small and large groups of people and understand that God's Word and God's people are the two primary tools He gives a pastor to humbly and resourcefully use for the advancement of His kingdom. Having grown up at San Lorenzo Japanese Christian Church in San Leandro, California, I have also attended other churches where ministries were in different cultural contexts. During my college years (4 years), I attended the First Baptist Church in Davis, California. Following that, I have spent 5 years attending ethnic Chinese churches: 1 year at ATC Grace Presbyterian Church in Walnut Creek, California, and 4 years at Plano Chinese Alliance Church in Plano, Texas. From 2000-2002, I attended The River Church Community in Sunnyvale, California. Besides my responsibility as the pastoral leader at Harvest San Gabriel Valley in Arcadia, California, I have also volunteered at a church community called Mosaic in Pasadena, California. Most recently, I served as the assistant English pastor at New Life Baptist Church of Los Angeles in Baldwin Park, California. Now, Evelyn and I attend Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena, California. Here is a brief description of major capabilities. In the area of spiritual gifts, I believe that God has gifted me in the areas of leadership, evangelism, encouragement, faith, and a passion for preaching and teaching the Bible. My passion is to present others as complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28) and my goal is to teach and equip the saints for Kingdom service. My desire is to see brothers and sisters growing in their faith relationship with the LORD. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), my personality type is that of a thinker and the secondary trait of a relater. I am more comfortable seeing myself as a leader in terms of role and style, but after working for two years in management, I know that I can be an effective administrator also. My evangelism style is confrontational and intellectual. My natural talents and gifts include such things as musical knowledge, worship leading, writing, a pioneering, entrepreneurial, and teachable spirit.


Return To Top Lake Avenue Community Foundation Planning Committee Member, Lake Avenue Community Foundation, Pasadena, CA Writing and editing a proposal, business plan, and franchise training manual to start a franchise of thrift stores for the foundation. (August 2008-January 2009) Volunteer Staff, Mosaic, Pasadena, CA Volunteered for the church ministry of Mosaic. (January 2006-September 2006) Volunteer Supervisor, Greater Los Angeles Billy Graham Crusade, Pasadena, CA Finished Christian Life and Witness Course and Supervisor courses to lead counselors during the crusades. (March 2004-November 2004) Volunteer, Mastermedia International, Los Angeles, CA Assisted in Bible study groups for ministry to media professionals. (July 2003-July 2004) Help Center Volunteer, Promise Keepers, San Jose, CA Volunteered at Help Center desk during the Promise Keepers conference at the San Jose Arena and assisted in evangelism and counseling opportunities. (September 2001) Volunteer Kids' Community Teaching Assistant, The River Church Community, Sunnyvale, CA Assisted Kids' Community grade school teacher with Sunday classes. (August 2001-September 2001) Volunteer Web Design Project Manager/Content Editor, The River Church Community, Sunnyvale, CA Managed team of volunteers to design web pages on church's website. Edited web page text by consulting with key church staff people. (December 2000-June 2001) Set Up Team Volunteer, The River Church Community, Sunnyvale, CA Helped transform Sunnyvale Community Center into a sanctuary of worship by setting up gym and rooms twice a month. Participated in Set Up team's weekly Bible studies. (June 2000-April 2002) Volunteer, Community Impact, Palo Alto, CA Volunteered one Saturday every month in various community assistance projects. (November 1998-April 2002) Internet Docent, Alameda County Library, Fremont, CA Volunteered 2-4 hours a month to assist library patrons in using various web browsers. Met with supervisors of the county library and other docents every other month to discuss ways of improving the library Internet docent program. (October 1998-April 2002) 3rd/4th Grade Friday Night Fellowship Children's Ministry Teacher, Plano Chinese Alliance Church, Plano, TX Taught the 3rd and 4th graders of the church about the Bible during their fellowship time. (Summer 1995-Winter 1995, January 1998-May 1998) English Adult Ministries Coordinator, Plano Chinese Alliance Church, Plano, TX Voluntarily served the church by planning and coordinating the "Your Adult Fellowship (YAF)." (September 1997-May 1998) Seminary Intern, Christian Layman Church, Oakland, CA Served as a seminary intern among the church staff. (May 1997-July 1997) Governing Board Secretary, Plano Chinese Alliance Church, Plano, TX Appointed by the church congregation to voluntarily serve by taking minutes of the monthly church governing board meetings and serving as a governing board member. (January 1997-May 1998) Sunday School Teacher, Plano Chinese Alliance Church, Plano, TX Voluntarily served the church by teaching Sunday School classes in the high school class (September 1996-May 1997) and the English adult class. (October 1997-May 1998) Inner City Ministry Volunteer, Various Ministries, Dallas, TX Voluntarily served by counseling children and high school teens living in urban inner city areas. (January 1996-May 1996) High School Counselor, Plano Chinese Alliance Church, Plano, TX Voluntarily served the church by counseling high school teens at church and by participating in their various events. (September 1994-May 1998) Interim English Minister, Plano Chinese Alliance Church, Plano, TX Summer position as English minister while permanent English minister was absent. Conducted English worship programs on Sundays and led worship teams. Managed Sunday School program and youth fellowships during the weeknights. (May 1995-September 1995) English Teacher, Macau Outreach Team, Macau Went on two short-term missions projects as an English teacher along with other co-workers to assist in the ministry of youth and children ministries of Macau Evangelical Church. Led worship teams for missions project. (Summer 1991, Summer 1992) Student Core Member, UC Davis Asian American Christian Fellowship, Davis, CA Worked with a student core leadership team to plan college ministry activities, especially in worship leading. (September 1990-June 1991) College Radio Station Volunteer Disc Jockey, KDVS 90.3 FM, Davis, CA Programmed and hosted a 3 hour radio show. Produced and recorded 30 second commercials and community announcements for the radio station. (September 1990-September 1991) Youth Group Accountant, San Lorenzo Japanese Christian Church, San Leandro, CA Accountant and financial treasurer on the student leadership team for the youth group "Lifeline." (September 1985-September 1986) Volunteer Literacy Tutor, Alameda County Library, Newark, CA Tutored remedial grade school and junior high students in reading and math skills. (September 1984-June 1985)


Return To Top Assistant English Pastor, New Life Baptist Church of Los Angeles, Baldwin Park, CA English pastor of church. Directed two weekly English worship services and delivered sermons on most Sundays. Directed high school and college Sunday school ministries. Led regular youth fellowship events. Led weekly English praise, prayer, and Bible studies. Ministered through visitation of congregants. (October 2006-October 2007) Pastoral Leader, Harvest San Gabriel Valley, Arcadia, CA Pastor of church. Directed weekly English worship service and delivered sermons on most Sundays. Coordinated weekly cell groups. Ministered through visitation of congregants. (June 2002-April 2005) Information Technology Mentor, TechSkills, Santa Clara, CA Mentored students by developing their technical knowledge and skills. Mentored students by preparing them to pass exams for technical certification, such as A+, MCP, MCSE, MCSE+I, CCNA, etc. Supported and troubleshot internal Windows NT 4.0 network. (November 1999-January 2002) Substitute Teacher, Christian Community Schools, Fremont, CA Taught as a substitute for a K-8 private Christian school, a ministry of Fremont Community Church. (February 1999-December 1999) Customer Service Representative, HyperSurf Internet Services, Fremont, CA Handled all incoming calls to the company during office hours. Troubleshot questions and problems from residential and corporate customers on Power PC, Macintosh, Windows 98, Windows 95 and Windows 3.x platforms. Used UNIX text editor Vi to develop and administer company website. Assisted with the company's daily business routine. (October 1998-January 1999) Independent Business Owner, Electronic Commerce Networks, Newark, CA Owned and managed a business in electronic commerce. Provided clients with a variety of consumer goods. Consulted and trained other independent distributors who own and manage a business in electronic commerce. (October 1998-December 1999) Quality Assurance Software Tester, The Learning Company (for Global Dynamics, Inc.-Intellimark), Fremont, CA Performed test plans for pre-released educational games software. Communicated results of test plan performance to the QA team and entered test results in company database. (August 1998-September 1998) Donor Receipts Processor, Partners International, San Jose, CA Processed receipts from donors for a Christian non-profit organization. (July 1998-August 1998) Teacher's Assistant, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX Assisted Dr. Keith Willhite in teaching 603 (Biblical Communication), by assisting with the class critiques of students' projects and sermon deliveries. (January 1998-May 1998) Research Assistant, Bertram, McKee & Associates, Dallas, TX Assisted company with marketing research projects and campaigns for Fortune 500 companies in the high-tech field. (January 1997-December 1997) Administrative Assistant, Southwestern Paper Incorporated, Dallas, TX Handled administrative responsibilities at a home office of an independent sales representative. (September 1996-December 1996) Host, International House of Pancakes, Newark, CA Brought customers to their seats and managed the front cash register. (June 1996-July 1996) Administrative Assistant, Read-Rite Corporation (for Ann Wells Personnel Services), Milpitas, CA Updated record files, typed company form letters, distributed mail, and assisted with the department's daily operations. (May 1996-June 1996) Administrative Assistant, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas (for Talent Tree Staffing Services), Dallas, TX Worked as purchaser and administrator for UT Southwestern's Human Genome Project. Organized purchase orders and other important data. Handled incoming purchases of medical supplies. (July 1995-September 1995) Administrative Assistant, Citizens Telecom (for Talent Tree Staffing Services), Dallas, TX Worked as purchaser and administrator for telecommunications company. Organized purchase orders and spreadsheets for presentations for supervisors. (May 1995-July 1995) Independent Contractor, Student Ministries Incorporated, Dallas, TX Part-time position as English minister for Plano Chinese Alliance Church funded by financial supporters through Student Ministries Incorporated, a parachurch organization. (August 1994-August 1995) Associate Buyer, Acer America Corporation (for Ann Wells Personnel Services), San Jose, CA Assisted with placing and expediting MRO and purchase orders for the company. Responsible for updating record files, typing company form letters, distributing mail, and assisting with the department's daily operations. (August 1993-August 1994) Assistant Store Manager, Kmart Corporation, San Mateo, CA Assistant manager of store operations. Responsible for daily operations of all store departments. Supervised a staff of 35 to 40 people. Conducted annual reviews of employees. Coordinated complete settings of the weekly advertised merchandise. Prepared counter layouts for merchandise. Maintained positive customer relations. (August 1992-August 1993) Customer Representative, Wherehouse Music, Newark, CA Provided customer service. (March 1992-May 1992) Sales Representative, Phantasy Flowers, Davis, CA Arranged and sold flower arrangements to customers. (October 1991-November 1991) Newspaper Journalist, The California Aggie, Davis, CA Previewed and reviewed newly released albums, music performances, and art events. (June 1990-November 1990) Customer Service Representative, Security Pacific National Bank, Newark, CA Handled customer transactions and updated information. (June 1989-September 1989) Waiter, Peking Palace Chinese Restaurant, Greenville, NC Waited tables for my aunt's restaurant. (July 1988-September 1988) Busboy, Pasquinelli's Farm House Restaurant, Newark, CA Bused tables for a local steak house and grill. (June 1987-September 1987)


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1997 aaron leung

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