Welcome to Valinor, home of the the Hobbits
Hobbits living in Valinor? But isn't that some Elf Place? Well it was,
but we kicked their asses and sent them packing, and now it's ours.

Long live Bilbo!

Oh wait, we sent his little punk ass packing too.
Now only the cool Hobbits are left. Here you will find just about anything.
We're currently working on building our family's web pages.
Soon we'll be putting up a collection of really cool stuff like jokes, games,
cool links, odd news, and a bunch of other stuff. Be sure to check
back often.

Disclaimer: Some of the graphics found on this site were not created by the webmaster. They were obtained from various sources on the internet that labeled them as "freely distributable". If you should discover images in this collection which you recognize as copyrighted, please email the webmaster immediately so that they may be removed.
Links To Other Pages:
Tech Humor
Strange Stories And News
Cool Web Links
Family Pages
My Info:
Name: The Head Hobbit