Names with this family so far are
Cravens, McPherson, Layton, Ruth, Sears, Sisk, Williams and Young.
Francis Marion Sears date of birth Sept. 11. 1880. Indianapolis Indiana. died 1969 Alameda, Ca. Francis' father was born in Arkansas and his mother was born in Indiana.
Frank at one time lived in Millerton McCurtain Co. Oklahoma and Married twice, first to Nora(H) Cravens Durant. I have a copy of a document that shows Frank applying and being granted guardianship of Luther Calvin Durant s/o Gibby Durant and Nora(h) Cravens Durant. The date on this document is December 31, 1913 and shows Luther to be three years old. His father is deceased, Gibby is listed on the Dawes Rolls as being half Choctaw Indian.
Nora(h) and Frank had a son named Cecil Leonard Sears, which is where my line of Sears comes from.
After the death of Nora(h) Frank married Lillian (Lillie) Young Guest, they had several children Francine, Dorothy, Thelma, Ralph, George, and Shelby. After the 1930 census they all moved to California and all of them died there. They may have moved to AZ. first as Ralph lived and died there and Thelma's children were born there and as children Thelma's family moved to CA.
Nora was born in 1891, I have a copy of her marriage application and certificate showing her to be 18 when she and Gibby married. Then a document dated November of 1916 that I have seen but unable to get a copy of , Nora(h) is applying for guardianship of her half brother Boyd Cravens. Then I saw a docunment dated Janurary 9, 1919 where her Uncle George Murrin is applying for guardianship of Boyd because of the death of Nora(h,) she already had guardianship of the twin of Boyd who was named Floyd. I have also seen information that at one time George had custody of Floyd, Boyd, and Cal Cravens. I have found all three boys listed in Social Security, but their last name is spelled Cravin and Floyd and Boyd are born on same date but different year.
I have found in the 1910 McCurtain Co. census they are living with Mary E. Presley their grandmother and boys names are spelt Cravens and Floyd and Boyd are twins.