

The Beck family is from Walbash,
Montgomery County Illinois.

In our research of the 1860 Montgomery Co. IL. census my sister has found a woman named Elizabeth Beck (who is actually Susan Elizabeth Oiley Beck) living with Mary Edwards and her children George, Hanna and Marriah McPhail, from Mary's second marriage to John McPhail. Mary is also listed in other information as Mary (Polly) Oley. Our GGGrandmother's maiden name is Oiley, have wondered if one was a misspelling.

In the 1880 census she found a Margaret (Maggie) I. Beck living with George McPhail and his wife Alvira (McLean) and his children. Maggie is listed as George's niece.

In recent research at Ilinois Stae Archive Database we have found a George Oiley marrying Polly Clark in Clinton Co. IL. Since Oiley is not a very common name and Mary McPhail mother of George went by both Polly and Mary we believe that Mary (Polly) is the same person who married George Oiley and Susan is her daughter, and that is why Margaret was listed as George Mcphail's niece in the 1880 census. We also found a Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Beck who married a Noah Myers in Montgomery Co. Il in 1863, the year after Margaret was born. We have also found he maried to Solomon Lazenby, this is all validated by the Achives and census records..

We have a cousin who grew up in IL. and remembers going to visit the McPhail family with her mother Ada Vogel Berry, and her Aunt Anna Vogel Arzig, she did not find out that they were related until she was older.

If you know anything about this family please hit my homebutton and email me. Trying to find the link to this family is a steel wall.