So far in my research I have found that the Clark family is from Clinton Co. IL.
Mary Clark is my GGGGrandmother, she was married four times and
buried at least her second and third husbands. Our GGGGrandfather was George Oiley we do not know if he died or they were divorced.

George and Mary were married in Clinton Co. Il on Feb. 24, 1831. They had three children David, Susan and Liney. In the IL records recently found marriage licenese of Liney R. Oiley

Mary then married John McPhail on June 19,1842 in Montgomery Co. IL., they had at least one son and one daughter George and Mary, we have found in two different census' two other girls, Hannah and Rachel. Unfortunatly on one census they are listed as being McAdams and the other as McPhails. George is the oldest and Hannah and Rachel (twins)are older than Mary, so at this time I am considering them as McPhails. Hannah is also listed as Marriah on one of the census but still listed as twin to Rachel.

Mary's third husband was Thomas Edwards, they were married in Montgomery Co. Il on Apr. 27, 1852.
They had two daughters Sarah Ellen and Fanny who died at 9 months old.

Her last marriage was to Van S. Gordon, they married in Montgomery Co. IL.
on Sept. 6, 1864 , they had no children, I doknow that they divorced but do not know the date, he married a couple of times after their divorce.