This page is to help myself and others find information about these families.

Please sign my guestbook before leaving.

If you have any information you are willing to share or would like to find out more about these families please email me.

Dad's Side Bohn Hohl Schwaegerle Simon

Mom's Side Beck Clark Hall McPhail Vogel

These are some pages to link to with out
going through each family.
Also some "ODDS_N_ENDS" Photos.

Lineage Odds-n-Ends Links Obits "Please Help"Photos of Vogels Unknown to me

Husband's Dad's side Cravens Durant Sears

Husband's Mom's side Layton Ruth

My second hobby
that is not so consuming

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Graphics and Web site designed by
Digital Graphic Productions.
If any links are broken please notify me through my email at top of page.