April 22, 1998, as spring was just beginning to peek its head from beneath winter's snow, we gathered at All Saints' for the dedication of the Sandy Kendig Memorial Chapel.

Spring was an appropriate time of year for this celebration, for Sandy Kendig was indeed one of spring's brightest flowers. Raised in a military family, Sandy moved frequently during her formative years, including time in Germany and Japan, where her interest in theatre began. From that point on, her life revolved around the theatre, both behind the scenes, and onstage, performing in Pasadena, CA as well as in productions in Cheyenne and Wheatland, WY.

Besides a passion for the theatre, Sandy considered herself a "cradle Episcopalian", and was very active at All Saints'. She was always there to lend a hand if something needed to be done...whether it was as a Lay Reader or a dishwasher, Sandy could be counted on to be in the middle, her delightful smile at the ready.

In honor of the love and devotion his wife gave to All Saints', Ed donated the funds to build a chapel in her name. Here, you can see how things looked before the grand transformation.

And now, the sanctuary with Sandy's bright new chapel. With new carpeting, beautiful silver vases, and stained glass windows on order, its amazing the changes one sees when stepping through our doors.
Thank you, Ed, for loving a woman that loved so many in return, and for giving us this wonderful addition to our All Saints' home. One feels peace and serenity within its walls, and most of all, the bright spirit of one of Spring's beautiful flowers.