Birthday Amy
child so filled with dreams now
I see her heart so pure
My dreams of her tomorrow
I see them grow for sure
Each day her heart emerging
With softness and a glow
I watch with inspiration
This child that I love so
The road ahead is long now
I pray that I'll be there
To give her comfort always
This heart of mine we share

I wish her all the wisdom
That comes from deep within
Strength that gives her courage
The joy in life begin
Compassion and sweet blessings
Will fill her soul each day
I know that this will happen
Her heart it blooms this way
Life to give her meaning
The happiness she'll know
All these things I pray for
Each day I watch her grow.
above poem was written by Francine Pucillo and is used with her
permission. You can read more of her poems

Years ago on August 11, 1970, a
precious little baby was born.
Her name was already chosen because her mom
just knew she was a little girl. Her momma's
"frosting-on-the-cake". That little baby is all
grown up now. She is married and is a momma herself
Where does the time go? Through the "Bubs Daddy's, the
"fugical in my dwaw" on through the "hey, mom I made
"drill team" and "I can't believe I'm a momma",
what a joy to behold! I still watch my little girl grow with love, compassion, grace and
yes, she is still the "Frosting on the Cake"

midi you are listening to is "Sunshine on My
Shoulders" by John Denver