Hi I'm A Prayer Partner and here's my homepage.
I hope you find something here that leaves a lasting impression on your heart and stays in your mind for days to come.

I hope you find something here that you enjoy enough to tell your friends about and invite them to visit my page.

I guess you'll be able to tell I'm no computer person when you see how plain and simple these pages are. But please come back and visit. I'm continuing to learn and update so hopefully you'll see some improvements when you get back.

The description of my page is:
Faith in Jesus
Hope and Love
Strength thru Jesus


Alphabet Prayer


A Prayer

Be Attitudes

Be Encouraged

Bulletin Bloopers


Church Humor

Don't Worry

Funny Isn't It

God Knows

God's Boxes Of Love

God's Grace

God's Message to Women

God's Promises

God Won't Ask

Happy Millenium

How Much Do You Make

I Asked God

If Tomorrow Never Comes

I Know

Interview With God

It Takes Strength

I've Learned

I've Learned Too

Jar With Pebbles

Jesus and the Modem

Jesus Better Than Santa

Kid's Bible

Letting Go


Life's Balance


Living Life Over

Lunch With God

My Prayer

Noah's Ark

Party Over Here

Pink Yesterdays

Saying Thank You

Shake It Off

Side by Side


Take Time

The Blood

The Devil

The Gift

The Invitation

The Perfect Mistake

The U In Jesus


True Friend

True Story

Twenty Commandments

Twenty-four Things

What Would Jesus Do


Y2K Worries

Yes, Lord

Please come back soon and visit me.

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