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Conrad Kurtz, sailed from Rotterdam
on the Phoenix in 1752 and ended up in Jefferson County, VA in the town
of New Salem around 1780. This town today is Bardstown and in Nelson County,
KY. He was origionally from Adelmannsfelden, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
(or what name that area was going under at that time)
He first married in a Lutheran Church in Lancaster County, PA and Married
a second time in a Lutheran Church in York County, PA
of unknown Curts |
His Children:
Descendants of Hans Jorg Conrad Kurtz, Sr 1 Hans Jorg Conrad Kurtz, Sr b: February 13, 1729/30
in Adelmannsfelden, Baden-Württemberg, Germany d: October 27, 1811
in Nelson County, KY
........ 2 Johann Martin Kurtz b: April 02, 1760 in LANCESTER,
PENN. d: January 26, 1795 in Nelson, Ky
*2nd Wife of Hans Jorg Conrad Kurtz, Sr:
........ 2 Dorothy Kurtz b: June 11, 1762 ........ 2 George Kurtz b: 1765 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
d: November 30, 1840 in Nelson County, Kentucky
........ 2 Conrad Kurtz, Jr b: August 11, 1767 in Pennsylvania
d: Bet. 1855 - 1856 in Hamblen Twp, Brown Co, Indiana
........ 2 Jacob Francis Kurtz b: January 04, 1770 in Nelson
County, KY d: December 09, 1833 in Nelson County, KY
........ 2 Elizabeth Kurtz b: November 14, 1771 in . d:
Aft. October 27, 1811
His decedents can be found all over KY, IN, MO, CA, IL, and basically everywhere else in the US. If you are related to this line or one of its allied lines you are invited to join a new mail list called Please pass this message on to whom ever may be interested Mostly to deal with families and decedents of Conrad Kurtz, Kirtz, Curtz and other spellings. There are other Kurtz lines in Ky and they are welcome as well as any others that might share an interest. Also first settlers of Nelson County, KY as they more then likely have married into the Kurtz family at some time.
A mail list I started. Post message: KY_Kurtz@yahoogroups.com Subscribe: KY_Kurtz-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Unsubscribe: KY_Kurtz-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com List owner: KY_Kurtz-owner@yahoogroups.com URL to Mail listpage http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/KY_Kurtz Copies of origional documents and transcripts when available. If anyone wants higher res docs E-Mail me. If you want to transcribe these documents please send me a copy for posting. I can not post copy written material without permission. Keith Estate inventory of Conrad Kurtz submitted by Gary Bryant Will of Conrad Kurtz submitted by Gary Bryant There is a photocopy of Jacobs will in the mail to me. |
My Name: Keith Kurtz Email: kthq@yahoo.com | ||