Feeding Your Puffer
Puffers appreciate a varied diet, and it is best to provide
them with "crunchy" foods (shrimp in shell, snails, and other shellfish in
shell) to keep their teeth ground down. Otherwise, the puffer's teeth will grow until it
cannot eat, and will need to be filed down (not an easy thing for you OR your
Live Food
- brine shrimp
- ghost shrimp
- blood worms
- glass worms
- black worms
- small meal worms
- small feeder guppies
- earthworms
- snails
Fresh Food
- shell on shrimp
- oysters
- clams
- mussel
- fish
Freeze-Dried Food
- dried shrimp
- dried krill
- dried plankton
Frozen Food
- Brine Shrimp
- Silver Sides (tiny ones)
- Squid
- Clams
- Oysters
- Cockles (rare in US)
- shrimp
- plankton
- blood worms
- glass worms
- krill
- beef heart
