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The River

The Cross-Country Journey Home

Hi! And welcome to my home page.  This page is constantly updating, as I add new pictures, take off others, and change links. I hope you'll come back often to see the changes and enjoy meeting my family, and watching them grow. So, while the page is TECHNICALLY finished, it will never really be. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, tea, milk, juice, or  whatever it is that you're drinking and click away.

"Just the facts" is a small biography, and I do mean small.  All about Cinda in 500 words or less (at least I THINK its less than 500 words). It gives you a basic idea about where I come from, what my values stem from., my  hopes and dreams.

The page entitled "Domestic Violence" is exactly that. I was a victim, and a survivor, and this is my story.  There are also some helpful and informative site links here.  So if you're going through this, or know someone who is, PLEASE, take a quick look at this page.
The "Adoption" page mostly includes information about my birth in the hopes that my birthmother will see it. There are also some links if you're starting your own search.  I located my birth mother last spring and  we actually got to meet this past fall.

My "Photo album" currently contains pictures of my husband and my kids, my extended family, and friends.  I add additional pictures all the time, and as my mother-in-law has a scanner, I hope to add pictures of the animals we see in our backyard as well as ones from our vacations once I get them developed.

The "Awards" page houses some awards and recognition that I've received for my work on this page.  Most of them are linked back to the site from whence they came, so if you feel you have a site worthy of the award, just click and apply. You can also apply for the award for another site that you've visited.

My "Favorite Links" page is just that...you will find a huge array of links here ranging from education to interactive D & D games to states I've lived in to cross-stitch. There's something for everyone here, and I hope you have the TIME to enjoy a few of them.

The "WebRings" & "Domestic Violence Webrings" pages are in essence a link to other sites that are similar in nature to mine in one way or another, one general while the other is exclusively Domestic Violence.  You will also find some other webrings on several other pages.

"My Testimony" is the road I traveled to finally accepting Christ as my personal Savior.   I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday 1999, with most of my family in attendance.  It was a wonderful experience and I hope to have pictures of it up here soon.

"Web Resources", is my Community Leader page. There are a lot of helpful links here to get you started, or to add to your page. My Community Leader e-mail address is also on that page, and if you have a question, you will probably get an answer faster using that address.

"Diplomas" will just show you the diplomas that I've earned, and give you some idea of what I've had experience with. I have completed all of WebTech's classes currently offered.

Finally, I have my own "Graphics" page. Now that I've become relatively proficient with my PaintShopPro, I've begun to make graphics. Most of the graphics you see on this page were in fact made by me exclusively for my own pages. However, I have begun to add additional graphics which are public domain. Please feel free to take a look.

Enjoy yourself, and please, sign my guest book.