I am a languages fanatic. I lived in Brazil as a teen and learned Portuguese. I majored in Spanish in college and also studied German and French there. Later I spent two years studying ASL in order to communicate with a deaf student. In my perfect world, I would be able to communicate with everyone in their own language.
Im Translator, Online translator, spell checker, virtual keyboard, cyrillic decoder

In Michigan, over the years, I have taught Spanish and English as a Second Language, Seventh Grade Social Studies, Language Arts, and Pre-Algebra, introduction to Spanish and French, Sixth and Eighth Grade English, a junior high- level class that included beginning French, Spanish German, Portuguese, and ASL, a self-contained sixth grade, college-level beginning Spanish, and other things. I began teaching Spanish in South Carolina this school year, and it's interesting but a long way from family. It's a lot of work, but (most days)I love it.

I have four sons and my husband has three daughters (one he just found out about). We have one beautiful little granddaughter and two adorable grandsons. Of course, we are not at all prejudiced in our opinions of them.

My husband was an MP in the Marine Corps for 7 1/2 years and we are active with the Marine Corps League and Auxilliary. My husband is also a member of the American Legion and the V.F.W. Over the years we have been involved with Boy/Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, AWANA, and 4H. We are also members of the Northwest Engine and Thresher Club and the Wexford County Historical Society.

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My interests are:
cooking, needlework, computers, geneology, antique vehicles, and many other things.

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My family and our interests.

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