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Walk in the Light Ministries




When the Communist dictatorship was overthrown in December, 1989 and the borders of Romania opened for the first time in decades, Walk in the Light Ministries was one of the first organizations to bring teams of missionaries into this economically and spiritually devastated land. Today, thousands of orphaned and abandoned children continue to live in the streets. Adequate food and necessities are not available to the average Romanian who earns $50.00 a month when work can be found. In the villages that line Romania's decaying roads, time slows to the pace of horse drawn carts.

Walk in the Light Ministries is responding to the needs of an orphaned and abandoned generation by providing Christian children's homes, and by bringing tons of humanitarian aid into Romania each year for distribution to the poor. Spiritual, physical and emotional hurts are being healed by the Love Jesus Volunteer workers from all nations and all walks of life are needed to be a part of this vital ministry. If the Lord has burdened your heart to work in the harvest, we invite you to serve in Romania!


Missionaries who believe they are called to serve in Rumania are asked to visit our facilities in Dornesti and Bistrita as part of a short-term mission team prior to applying for long term service. Short-term teams visit the church and orphanages several times a year to help in various ways and to minister to the children and staff. There is a special need for medical and dental teams, construction workers, auto mechanics, gardeners, athletic directors, art, music and drama teachers and children's ministry workers. A typical short term mission trip will last 2 weeks and is made up of 6 to 10 single adults or married couples. Special arrangements must be made with ministry leadership for visitors under age 18 and families with young children

In 1998, construction projects include a new church building, a third home on the Bistrita campus, well digging in Bistrita, and construction of the new clinic and soup kitchen.

During the summer months, groups are needed to conduct vacation bible school, a basketball and/or soccer camp, and a performing arts camp. Youth leaders who will plan a special program or field trip for our teens are needed. Arts and crafts teachers are needed to help the children make cards and gifts to send to their sponsors. Helpers are needed to assist the children in writing letters to their pen pals.


Does not include air or train fare to Romania
 One Person: Basic fee $300, plus $150 per week lodging and meals.
Married Couple: Basic fee $450, plus $250 per week lodging and meals.

The basic fee includes transportation between the Bucharest airport and ministry facilities in Dornesti and Bistrita, either by van or train. An English-speaking escort will meet all incoming groups. The basic fee also covers daily transportation from hotels and apartments to the orphanages or construction sites. Lodging will be provided in local hotels or in a furnished apartment. The noon meal will usually be taken at the orphanages', breakfast and dinner will be at a restaurant or at the orphanage. These costs are included in the weekly lodging and meals fee. Additional spending money will be needed for personal shopping, soft drinks, ice cream, etc.


Groups and individuals who want to visit the orphanages in Rumania should make arrangements in advance through the USA office. (Teams originating in Europe work with the office in Switzerland.) Applications must be approved and your Pastor's Recommendation received at least 30 days prior to departure. Trip fees are payable to the US office 30 days prior to departure or they must be taken to Romania in cash. An US tax deductible receipt cannot be given for fees taken in cash to Romania.

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