Roger is now selling Real Estate with Keller Williams Realty. You can view his website at He doing heavy marketing in our local area and has already received 3 lisatings and more re hopefully to follow. Check back for more info later!
Jan is training to do the Napa Marathon in March of 2004. This will be Jan's third marathon for Team N Training which raises money for the Leukemia Society. GO JAN!!
Team N' Training Marathon Info
Jan is a mainstay at Xilinx for 13+ Years! We think she runs the place, but don't tell anybody there that. She has a major roll in shaping the way Xilinx runs the processes and gains more responsibility and recognition everyday.
Ok, there are still a few hours left in the week. Jan has found time, we're not sure when, to run 4 times a week and go to the gym twice a week. Does anyone know where to find a relaxation coach?
Katie has flourished at Mitty. She has many friends and is always going to their homes or having them over for week end stays. We are always happy to have them around.
Peter is doing great at Rolling Hills Middle School. He is taking his test for Mitty and is hoping to head there in the fall. He is currently playing basketball for both Rolling Hills and in also on an NJB team. He is hoping to play basketball and baseball when he gets to Mitty.
Visit us anytime or Email us at: Roger =
Thanks for visiting, Roger, Jan, Katie, and Peter
Katie =
Here are some updated pictures of the family.
Below are some of our favorite links. Feel free to visit these sites and enjoy.
Avon 3-Day Breast Walk
Team N' Training Marathon Info
Information on the Leukemia Society
Disney: The Happiest Places on Earth
Last Update: April 30, 2002
Copyright Roger Idiart 2002
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