Grandma thought it was time that she did an up to date page about me and the family. So you will find pictures of two of the greatest Grandson's she has. Okay, she only has two Grandchildren, but she thinks we are the greatest.

Here is a picture of me when I was just a little guy
This was taken in June 2003.

Now for the second greatest Grandson.

I would like to introduce you to my brother Matthew. He was just a little guy here.

This was taken in June, 2003. Isn't he cute? He must take after me, his older brother.

Ryan and Matthew

Now on to some stories and pictures of the family that Matthew and I come from. The first page you should look at is the story about our Mom. She went through a lot for a kid, and as Grandma says she is a Miracle. Which makes Matthew and I miracles.


Aunt Rachael

Aunt Rachael

Uncle Walter

Photo's by Uncle Walter

Uncle Walter

The 21-Gun Salute

15 MEU 2000


Grandpa Dow

Grandma Dow

Grandpa and Grandma Dow the Beginning

The Beginning of the Dow Family

Great Great Great Grandparents

Great Grandpa and Grandma Harbison and Great Great Grandpa and Grandma Jones

History about the Jones FamilyThis story is told by our Great Great Uncle.

Great Grandpa and Grandma Dow and Great Great Grandma Davis and family.