Our intentions are to keep the Chat Room open for anyone to come in, but we will not permit anything to hate, racism, pornography, any illegal activity, excessive strong language, violent content, name dropping, slander or an agrumentative spirit.
Anyone that does not comply will be removed from the room immediately. We want the Chat Room to remain open with love and unity.
Please direct all your comments, questions or suggestions to:
Email Me!
Father, we call upon you and ask that you bless each and everyone who enters this site.
We pray for health, healing, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Lord, we pray that those who enter this site who are not saved that they will realize just how much they need Jesus in their daily lives and give their life to You. Those that are saved, give them a deeper understanding of Your Word. Heal those that are sick and afflicted.
We pray that you will fill our hearts with love, peace and joy.
We pray for our President and Vice President and all cabinet members, a that they will allow only God to lead them in the running of our Nation. We ask You, Lord to keep their families safe in Your name.
Lord, we also ask that you keep our military personel safe and bring them home safely and watch over their families and keep them safe too.
We pray that you hear and answer these prayers, in Jesus' Name , Amen.

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