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NardaJ's home of genealogy and craftiness!

Robert C McNally

 This page is dedicated to the memory of my husband, Robert Coles McNally.

We were married in 1957 and produced four more little McNally's, Kelly Marie, Robert Coles Jr, Shelley Margaret and James Clinton. They are all grown now and out producing their own line of McNally's.


My genealogy past time has led me to find out quite a bit about the McNally line. It all started with Richard McNally, who came to the "New World" to aid his homeland of England in the fight against the unruly and rebellious Americans. Richard was killed in a battle in New York. His son, Michael (who also fought in the war against the Americans), moved to New Brunswick, Canada after the war and began producing this clan of McNally.

 I also have EXTENSIVE research and information on my own family, the Gard family and their many branches. Just follow the genealogy links below!

Kelly MarieRobert C Jr
Kelly Marie       Robert Coles Jr

Shelley MargaretJames Clinton
Shelley Margaret     James Clinton

I not only have an interest in genealogy, but also in quilting. They seem to go hand in hand. I am pretty new at this quilting thing, but it is almost as adictive as genealogy. I also belong to a list that has been exchanging "squishes, squares and fat quarters" as well as friendship. What a bunch of good people, just like in genealogy!

 I wish I had a coffee maker plugged into this page, then we could sit down together, enjoy our coffee, and discuss sewing techniques, painting, gardening, genealogy!

 I guess we can say, this will be my hometown news site! Stop in regularly!

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to other sites on the web



NardaJ's McNally genealogy NardaJ's Gard genealogy
Our Nest; Pat Mount's home page Descendents of Alexander Colter McNally
Cyndi's home page (interesting stuff!) RootsWeb home page
Gard Meddaugh's home page Jean Messich's home page
Your home page could be listed here! New Brunswick GenWeb project



Quilts Galore! World Wide Web of Quilting
A multi-link site for quilters Quilts & Quiltmaking in America, 1978-1996
Americana Quilts & PBS Have a home page? You could be here!



Welcome to Missing Fabrics Welcome to Missing Fabrics
The Quilt Channel fabrics site Cranston Village




Thank you for dropping by. Please come back often as information will be updated without notice.

 If you have any comments at all, please E-Mail me.

design & maintanence by: Terry Lemke