Choose from slogans below or we will print your custom slogan for NO EXTRA CHARGE. 

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Ever wish those darn slogan t-shirts were cheaper?  Now purchase fabric, no sew appliques and make your own for half what you'd pay to buy!
Boob man
Milk junkie
Rock Star
What happens at Grandmas STAYS at Grandmas
Caution: I drool
Chicks dig me
Ladies man
What part of princess dont' you understand?
I already know more than the president
Already smarter than the president
Center of the universe
The one daddy warned you about
I wasn't born yesterday
Drool is cool
You wish your baby was this cute
Diva in training
Don't MAKE me call grandma
Chick magnet
Lil Pimpin
Pleasantly plump
Cute but stinky, things even out
My family tree is full of nuts
Word to big bird
<twins> Stop copying me!
Pro Life!
I'm with the boob
Little Lactivist
Mama's milk, it does a baby good
Feel free to eat with a blanket over YOUR head
Want me to eat in the bathroom? You first!
Jesus was breastfed
Caught by a midwife
Daddies little metalhead
My mom will be blogging this
Baby McDreamy
Why buy the cow when moms milk is free?
Still nursin'
The "two's" aren't terrible, i'm having a blast!
I traveled through the birth canal and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
Dentally challenged
Daddy calls the (sports team) bad words
Captain Poopypants
It's not me that stinks, it's the (sports team)
Sometimes I get so mad I want to pack up my diapers and LEAVE!
They think my stroller's sexy
Lock up your daughters
My mom had a baby and all I got was this t-shirt
Mama's boy, got a problem with it?
Dude, your girlfriend keeps checking me out
Infantile baldness, it's no laughing matter
Doncha wish your baby was cute like me?
Ban baby oil, stop the senseless slaughter

Real men change diapers
I make milk, what's your superpower?
No i'm not getting fixed, CLEARLY nothings broken
I childproofed my house but they keep getting in!
Yes they are ALL mine
Normalize breastfeeding, nurse in public!
It's not about my right to breastfeed, it's about my child's right to eat!
Breast is best, Beleive it or not that's what they are for!
The best gifts are free, breastfeed!
Use them or lose them, breastfeeding helps prevent breast cancer
I breastfeed cause I couldn't produce enough formula
WAY too lazy for formula
Touch my belly and lost a hand
REAL men support breastfeeding
You can't scare me I have # kids
Child abuse is everybody's problem
Welcome to America, now speak English
You can't fix stupid
Parents of teenagers know why animals eat thier young
Midwives help people out

Appliques printed on treated fabric to withstand normal washing and drying. No sew application to t-shirts, totes, whatever you wish!
Appliques are $5.00/ea. FREE  US shipping.  When ordering, please specify phrase wanted.  Don't like my phrases? I can customize! Send questions to
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