Welcome to our humble web page. We hope that this serves as another communication link between us and our family, friends, and the rest of the world. We are an Air Force family stationed at beautiful Okinawa, Japan. As a family, we enjoy many activities such as traveling, going to the beach, bike riding, photography, and many others. I am an avionics technician and some of my favorite activities include racquetball, golf, snorkeling, motorcycle riding and computers. Carmen enjoys aerobics, bike riding, crafts and spending time with the girls. Christine loves going to school, snorkeling, learning about Japanese culture, reading, playing the flute and collecting Beanie Babies and sea shells . Ariana is still too little to have hobbies but from her daily activities we assume that she will be a great mountain climber or an Olympic gymnast. Check out some of our favorite pictures and write a few lines to let us know what you think of our page.
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